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  1. CRS_Nov15_NHS_Mandate_2016_17.pdf

    which can lead to avoidable admissions to hospital and poorly managed health, the human and financial cost of failing to provide essential support will continue to grow. 2) Is there anything else we should ... problems before they develop  ‘Keeping them well/healthy’ in terms of providing lifestyle support/advice is not spontaneously considered an aim for the healthcare system but older people are open to guidance

  2. CRS_June15_Cabinet_Office_Public_Service_Ombudsman.pdf

    a number of different organisations.  Cost-free to the complainant – so as well as being free to use, the complainant should not feel the need to pay for advice in order to get a fair hearing.  In coming

  3. Carers Guide FINAL (Eng).pdf

    support the early identification of older carers to provide timely and person-centred information and advice; to enable older carers to influence policy, service design and delivery and decision making by ensuring ... rights that can help make your life that bit easier.1 You have the right to: • Receive information, advice, and assistance from your local authority about support services like practical help at home, support

  4. CRS_Nov15_Mental_Capacity_and_Deprevation_of_Liberty.pdf

    achieve this. We help more than five million people every year, providing support, companionship and advice for older people who need it most. Age UK believes that the starting point for reform of the Deprivation ... adequately resourced to include adequate training for members, and not viewed primarily as a means of costs reduction. CHAPTER 12: SUPPORTED DECISION-MAKING AND BEST INTERESTS In the view of the Convention

  5. envisage15_English.pdf

    including apprenticeships, Personal Learning Accounts (PLAs), flexible learning opportunities, and advice and guidance all need to be in place to support everyone at the different stages of their lives. ... the horrific impact that Covid-19 has had on health and well-being it has also exacted an economic cost. As with health these economic impacts haven’t been borne equally across all age groups. It’s been

  6. envisage15_English.pdf

    including apprenticeships, Personal Learning Accounts (PLAs), flexible learning opportunities, and advice and guidance all need to be in place to support everyone at the different stages of their lives. ... the horrific impact that Covid-19 has had on health and well-being it has also exacted an economic cost. As with health these economic impacts haven’t been borne equally across all age groups. It’s been

  7. CRS_July16_Carers_Strategy.pdf

    more causes large numbers of older workers to drop out of work altogether.  The public expenditure costs of carers leaving employment are also substantial at an estimated £1.3 billion a year. In addition ... 10 per cent fewer carers over 75 were then offered a service (as opposed to just information and advice)17. The next phase of Carers Strategy should undertake an evaluation of whether implementation of

  8. RB_April15_Vulnerability_resilience_Improving_Later_Life.pdf

    quality of life deteriorates and they and their families experience worse outcomes with consequential costs for the state. Hence this publication, which provides an excellent summary of the available evidence ... services or support – access to GPs and health services, financial or legal services, or housing advice, for example. Those services need to be available and easily accessible to everyone. But intervention

  9. FS74.pdf

    Challenging a benefit decision can be complicated and you may need more detailed advice or representation from a local service. Age UK Advice can give you contact details for a local Age UK, or you can contact one ... of the independent organisations listed at the back of this factsheet. In Wales, contact Age Cymru Advice. In Scotland, contact Age Scotland. The information in this factsheet is correct for the period June

  10. Survey.pdf

    _______ B3. In the last 12 months, have you found it easy or difficult to access information and advice about support available for you, in looking after the person? This could be information from different ... as well as social services. Please tick one box below  I have not tried to find information or advice in the last 12 months  Very easy  Fairly easy  Fairly difficult  Very difficult 4 B4. Are

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