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  1. Winter 2023 v7.pdf

    interests. Please reach out and contact us if you need further information about any of the work inside this edition and let us know about your experiences as an older person in Wales. Enjoy! Make sure you keep ... But to maintain health it is important to keep at least some parts of your home warm. Keeping warm puts less strain on the heart and lungs, improves the symptoms of existing health conditions, and helps

  2. Commissioning IPA Framework English Oct 19.pdf

    of their own well-being outcomes giving them a stronger voice. Julie Morgan AM Deputy Minister for Health & Social Services I believe this Framework provides a sustainable strategic approach to improving ... from: • All Wales Adult Services Heads • Welsh Local Government Association • The advocacy sector • Health • ADSS Cymru • Welsh Government The members of the Strategic Reference Group also gave their ‘Commitment

  3. Draft Suicide and Self-harm Prevention Strategy 2024- 2034.pdf

    principles cover several important points that we feel should be central to any strategy concerning mental health and related issues. These include: • Acknowledging the social aspect of suicide and self-harm, both ... we agree that suicide and selfharm are linked to a multiplicity of factors, including poor mental health but also more structural and environmental factors such as social deprivation, isolation

  4. CRS_May17_Intermediate_care_including_reablement.pdf

    registered address is Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is currently developing a guideline on ‘Intermediate care and reablement’ ... intermediate care and related care strategies are essential to enabling many older people to improve their health and wellbeing, and to maintain or regain their independence. 2 Short 2 Information Box In the bulleted

  5. Self Assessment Form for Commissioner ENGLISH.docx

    question you about facts and figures relating to your commissioning of advocacy services – we are interested in your professional judgement on the key statements included in the tool. About the Golden Thread ... through advocacy and to give them a stronger voice This national programme will: Support strategic health and social care management/commissioning teams and front line professionals in understanding their

  6. CRS_Sept16_UPR-submission.pdf

    number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 About this submission The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a mechanism of the Human Rights Council (HRC) ... treaty bodies. Please note this submission relates primarily to our experience in England. About Age UK Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later

  7. Carers Survey report FINAL (v9).pdf

    partnership with the Welsh Government to address the concerns set out in this report. To find out more about the project and how to contact the team, take a look at our website: Creating ... Wales. What they do To get a general idea of what the carers’ day-to-day life is like, we asked them about their key caring tasks. Most responded that they do ‘everything’ or provide ‘24/7 care’. Other common

  8. CRS_Jan17_ FCA_Mission_Statement_2017.pdf

    number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 About this consultation The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) wants to provide guidelines to explain how ... to banking.  The implications of big data, dynamic pricing and increased segmentation are very worrying for disadvantaged or disengaged consumers, and the FCA needs to go beyond simply being ‘transparent’

  9. annual_review_2014_2015.pdf

    are driven by the priorities that people in later life tell us matter to them – money, wellbeing, health and care, home and community. The moments demonstrate our work in all of these areas, but also show ... the Prime Minister popped in to talk about pensions 2 The moment we helped Anna get back on her bike 3 The moment 1,000 older people took control of their health 4 The moment we spoke to Mary 5 The moment

  10. Age Cymru response to Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Condiitons in Adults consultation response July 2021.pdf

    NHS services to reopen and others spoke of their reduced mobility and worsening mental and physical health because of the long treatment waiting times. This is backed up by information from Versus Arthritis ... uk/news-and-events/media-centre/press-releases/wales-waiting-times-april/ 2

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