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  1. Managing your money in Winter

    ready for winter It's cheaper and easier to heat your home if it's well insulated and your heating works properly. Draught proof doors and windows, insulate the loft, lag the hot-water tank and pipes, and ... getting cavity-wall insulation Have your heating system serviced every year and check that it's working before the cold weather starts. If you rent your home, landlords have a legal duty to have all gas

  2. Age Cymru Hope Project Leaflet NATIONAL + QPM BILINGUAL - update Dec22.pdf

    About the service The work we do with you is confidential. That means we’ll always talk to you before discussing your information with anyone else. We’ll keep your information safe and you have the right

  3. CRS_March17_Age UK_Bus_Services_Bill.pdf

    we’ve missed out on a lot of social life, more so now that we’re retired ... we’ve done our bit, working all our lives.’ - Male, 65+, with mobility difficulties, Durham 5. Facts and figures on bus services ... of the social benefits of bus routes 9.3 We would like to see more detail on how consultation would work in practice and await the publication of further guidance. General considerations 10. Gaps

  4. CRS_June14_CPA_Using_housing_wealth_to_pay_for_care.pdf

    lifetime.                                                                 1 Housing and Finance Working Group (2013), Department of Health Steering Group ‐ Housing and Equity  2 Lievesley et al (2011) ... for Policy on Ageing – Rapid review June 2014    Banks J, Crawford R and Tetlow G; Department for Work and Pensions - DWP; Institute for Fiscal Studies - IFS (2010) What does the distribution of wealth

  5. FS92.pdf

    UC’ campaign 9 2.5 Exceptions 9 3 How to claim 9 3.1 Support for claiming 10 3.2 Interview with a work coach 11 3.3 Claimant Commitment 11 3.4 Claim maintenance 12 4 Decisions and payments 13 4.1 Payments ... All work-related requirements 15 5.1.2 No work-related requirements 15 5.1.3 Work-focussed interviews only 16 5.1.4 Work-focussed interviews and work preparation requirements 16 5.2 Types of work-related

  6. RB_Oct12_Sheltered_And_Retirement_Housing.pdf

    Making it Work for Us A residents’ inquiry into sheltered and retirement housing 1 Acknowledgements 3 Executive summary 4 Key recommendations 5 Introduction 7 What is this inquiry? 7 Definitions 8 Background ... Background to the inquiry 8 Why does retirement housing matter? 9 How did the inquiry work? 9 Recent reports and guidance on retirement housing 10 About this report 11 Legal advice and advocacy 13 Complaints

  7. FS25.pdf

    social care 14 7 Returning from abroad checklist 15 Useful organisations 16 Age UK 21 Support our work 21 Age UK factsheet 25 December 2023 Returning from abroad Page 3 of 22 1 Is a return to the UK ... means-tested benefits, so your income and capital, for example savings, are taken into account when working out your entitlement. Pension Credit PC is for older people with a low income and can be claimed

  8. CRS_June16_Ofcom_call_for_evidence_on_broadband_USO.pdf

    should the USO be reviewed? (1.32) 22. The review process should look at the extent to which the USO works for ‘vulnerable’ and newly online households, as well as ‘typical households’. 6 23. The review ... the extent to which providers are delivering speeds as advertised. (We are aware of ongoing Ofcom work on this issue.17) One idea could be to oblige providers to give consumers a report on the speeds actually

  9. CRS_Oct2011_Localising_support_for_council_tax_in_England.pdf

    for pensioners. • Local authorities will need to establish schemes for working age claimants which should be designed to support work incentives. • They will be free to collaborate with other authorities ... are also concerned that help could be reduced for those approaching pension age who are unable to work, and there could be potential negative affects on intergenerational support and age equality. 3

  10. Community Calculator - English.pdf

    the score, the closer is the community to being suitable for all ages; the lower the score, the more work needed to make it age friendly. The survey was distributed to older people across Wales between August ... not give you time to cross (Gwynedd) • The three street lights in my immediate vicinity are not working and have not for over 18 months which renders my area totally dark at night (Flintshire) • I only

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