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  1. RB_Dec14_I'm Still Me_UCLPartners_Age UK_National_Voices.pdf

    decisions but at the same time you have to listen to a professional, that’s what they’re there for.” 11 Care and support: Both the workshop and the interview participants emphasised the social aspects of

  2. The future of social care in Wales - February 2019.pdf

    and facilitate the use of direct payments. The take up of direct payment amongst older people has 11 been low due a range of factors, including a common assumption that they are not suitable for older

  3. CRS_Feb15_Independent_Review_Retirement_Income.pdf

    retirement expenditure over the period of retirement is likely to prove challenging for many people. 11 Research in the USA shows the impact that framing decisions can have. For example, framing in terms

  4. RB_April15_Only_the_tip_of_the_iceberg.pdf

    are diverse, including those who are young, educated and 02 Types of fraud and who is at risk 11 professional through to people who are older and more vulnerable.5 The complexity of the issue ... repeatedly, and may end up on so-called ‘suckers lists’ as people who are likely to be vulnerable to a scam.11 People whose details are on these lists can receive multiple letters per day. Some may be put on a

  5. Age Cymru - Avoiding slips, trips and falls leaflet - Welsh.pdf

    Pwysedd gwaed wrth sefyll: Pwysedd gwaed wrth orwedd: Argymhellion: Dyddiad: 11 Cwestiwn 6 A oes mwy na dwy flynedd wedi mynd heibio ers i chi gael prawf llygaid? Oes Nac oes

  6. Age Cymru - I and A Info Catalogue - Welsh lang.pdf

    wneud i’ch arian fynd ymhellach. Darllenwch y canllaw hwn i wneud yn siwr eich bod yn talu’r swm iawn. 11 Gwybodaeth a Chyngor Diwedd oes Profedigaeth Os ydych chi neu rywun sy’n agos atoch wedi dioddef profedigaeth

  7. Summer 2022 Newsletter WELSH.pdf

    gyda chyn-filwyr hŷn, cysylltwch â Hugh Morgan OBE, Cydlynydd Cyn-filwyr, Age Cymru Dyfed ar 03333 11 1920. Suzi o Age Cymru Gorllewin Morgannwg yn achub cleient wedi iddo gwympo Mae Suzi yn Weithiwr Cymorth

  8. Community Calculator - Welsh.pdf

    cyhoedd a llefydd i gael gorffwys 8 • Toiledau cyhoeddus 9 • Palmentydd 10 • Diogelwch cymdogaeth 11 • Llefydd i gyfarfod 12 • Gwybodaeth a chyngor 13 • Gwasanaethau iechyd a chymdeithasol 14 • Eich llais ... stryd a chloddiau yn achosi rhwystrau • Materion cysylltiedig â glendid, baw ci ac ysbwriel yn benodol. 11 Diogelwch cymdogaeth Sylwadau dethol • Da yw gweld y bydd camerâu yn dod yn ôl i Aberystwyth (Ceredigion)

  9. IG51.pdf

    out the instructions in your will and handling your estate (your money, property and possessions). 11 If you use the internet to pay bills, shop or keep in touch with friends, it’s a good idea to think ... London EC3N 2LB. Age UK and its subsidiary companies and charities form the Age UK Group. ID204970 11/23 What should I do now? You may want to read some of our relevant information guides and factsheets

  10. RB_July11_Ageing_well_Improving_Later_Life_Book.pdf

    thousand people in Scotland for whom there are data on their intelligence test scores (IQ) from age 11 and whom we have followed up in old age. We hope to find out those factors that helped to preserve ... These are just a few examples. Our research and that of others has found more of these small effects. 11 Thinking ahead. Professor Ian J. Deary Ian Deary is Professor of Differential Psychology at the University

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