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  1. Volunteers Week 2022

    volunteers support us and older people across Wales in many ways. From working in our office, running classes with our physical activity teams, providing independent advocacy support through our HOPE programme

  2. FS6w.pdf

    9 Respite care (including night-sitting services) 30 7.10 Service options if someone’s care needs are too great to be met at home 31 8 Your GP and community-based health services ... safely and comfortably as possible. When arranged by the local authority, social care services at home are often referred to as domiciliary, non-residential or community care services. A significant focus

  3. IL08.pdf

    help you love later life. We’re Age UK and our goal is to enable older people to love later life. We are passionate about affirming that your later years can be fulfilling years. Whether you’re enjoying your ... which may go on for months or even years. Think carefully about whether you are willing to act as executor, or indeed whether you are able to. For more detailed information on the topics covered in this guide

  4. IG10.pdf

    Employment and rights at work. 36. Leisure and learning. 38. 4 What this guide is about. It’s good to know where to turn if you ever need help or support. And it’s important that the advice you receive is reliable ... uk/publications or call the Age UK Advice Line free on 0800 169 65 65 to order printed copies. Lines are open 8am–7pm, 365 days a year. Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland publish their own versions of some

  5. EnvisAGE_2019_english.pdf

    into consideration are vitally important to all of us. It is essential that older people feel empowered to speak up about their own choices and views. Voice, choice and control are about identity, self-determination ... they have the right support to make informed decisions, particularly in situations within which they are vulnerable.1 Older people have told us: “Voice – to be able to have my voice heard.” “Choice – to be

  6. GTAP Information leaflet WELSH.pdf

    Lywodraeth Cymru am 3 blynedd i redeg ar y cyd a chynorthwyo gweithredu Rhan 10 (Eiriolaeth) o Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Lles 2014. Dechreuom y gwaith hwn ar y 1af Ebrill 2016. Ein prif nodau yw: ... fy mywyd Ystyrir fy amgylchiadau unigol Gallaf siarad drosof fy hun neu gael rywun a all wneud ar fy rhan a Rwy’n cael gofal drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg os wyf ei angen. “ Mae gwasanaethau eiriolaeth yn

  7. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Jan 2021.pdf

    complete and consists of fifteen members. A word from our team Rachael Wellings and Sian Hughes are our Project Officers for Conwy and Denbighshire and Gwynedd and Anglesey respectively. This is their ... will use the service. The conversations they’ve been having are leaving their mark and allowing people to recognise the project now. They are so glad to be given the opportunity to network and collaborate

  8. 20220311 Business Development Manager JD.docx

    objectives. Working with the income generation committee and management team to research, write and where appropriate submit funding proposals.Keep accurate and up to date records, ensuring compliance with ... describe any individual role holder.In addition to the contents of this role description, employees are expected to undertake any and all other reasonable and related tasks allocated by line management

  9. IG15.pdf

    some research and these were preferred overall. Where possible, the information given in this guide is applicable across the UK. This symbol indicates where information differs for Wales and Northern Ireland ... guide you’ll find organisations that can offer further information and advice. Their contact details are in the ‘Useful organisations’ section at the back (pages 37-40). Contact details for more organisations

  10. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Words_W.pdf

    uchel • Nawr gwnewch gerdd neu bennill newydd yn dechrau gyda’r llinell yma o farddoniaeth Mae edrych ar dudalen wag a cheisio ysgrifennu cerdd yn gallu bod yn anodd. Mae’r ymarfer yma’n rhoi man cychwyn ... cychwyn da i bobl. 1 Creating an age friendly Wales Geiriau Adar Mae adar yn gallu bod yn thema wych ar gyfer sesiwn creadigol. Dechreuwch drwy ofyn cwestiwn i’ch preswylwyr, fel: ‘Beth ydi’ch hoff aderyn

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