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  1. Health improvement and prevention policy statement - Jan 2016.pdf

    lifestyle. Local Health Boards must ensure that healthcare professionals, particularly GPs, give advice on healthy ageing, including sexual health, and refer their patients to support as appropriate ... issue being viewed as solely a young person’s problem. Older people who may wish to seek help or advice need to know how to access a service that is appropriate to their particular needs. It is essential

  2. CRS_Feb13_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_State_Pension_submission.pdf

    extending the single-tier pension to current pensioners, perhaps phasing this in over a period of time as costs allow. In the meantime more needs to be done to help the 1.7 million older people currently living ... line with the triple lock. Even with this uprating mechanism, by 2050 the single-tier is projected to cost less than the current system as a proportion of GDP. Expenditure would be lower under the reforms

  3. Newsletter Summer 2021 - English.pdf

    older carers who have consistently told us that they can struggle to access appropriate information, advice and assistance and to have much needed short breaks and respite from their caring role. “Today’s ... to thousands of older people across Wales. We helped more than 25,000 people with information and advice, we helped older people claim more than £13million of benefits and entitlements, and we made more

  4. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    llinell dir neu ffôn symudol.) Gallwch hefyd anfon e-bost atom: neu ymweld â’n gwefan: 4 Yn gynnes dros y gaeaf Cynnwys Beth sydd yn y canllaw hwn 4 Paratoi ... y Great British Insulation Scheme (sef ECO+ gynt) roi grantiau ar gyfer gosod mesurau inswleiddio cost isel i: • bobl sy’n byw mewn cartrefi sydd ym mandiau Treth Gyngor A, B, C, D ac E, gyda sgôr perfformiad

  5. RB_14_Care_in_Crisis_report.pdf

    eligibility for council support, 25 per cent (193,000) more people would be eligible for support, costing £1.5 billion more that year.13 Prospects for the future Better Care Fund From 2015/16 councils ... care funding. Adapting these models Age UK estimates that:  Taking account of inflation, it would cost £2.57 billion more in 2015/16 to fund the same amount of care as was available in 2010/11. This rises

  6. CRS_Oct16_NEST_Evolving_for_the_future.pdf

    greater innovation and competition at this end of the marketplace. • NEST could act as a conduit to advice and guidance, helping boost take-up of Pension Wise which has been low to date. • While there has ... on the Age UK website.i All these issues are exacerbated by the lack of a mass market financial advice offer, and low take-up of the Pension Wise guidance service. The fundamental issue is arguably the

  7. Beth sydd yn bwysig i chi - Profiadau cyfredol pobl dros 50 oed yng Nghymru 2024.pdf

    bopeth y mae gennych hawl iddo. I gael mwy o wybodaeth ewch i neu ffoniwch Gyngor Age Cymru ar 0300 303 44 98. D4. Beth sy’n ... ddim dull trafnidiaeth fy hun e Mae yna ddiffyg trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus e Mae tacsis yn ddrud iawn e Cost uchel cludiant personol e Mae canolfannau cymunedol wedi cau e Rydw i’n ofni cwympo e Diffyg cyfleusterau

  8. Print ready Beth sydd yn bwysig i chi - Profiadau cyfredol pobl dros 50 oed yng Nghymru 2024.pdf

    bopeth y mae gennych hawl iddo. I gael mwy o wybodaeth ewch i neu ffoniwch Gyngor Age Cymru ar 0300 303 44 98. D4. Beth sy’n ... ddim dull trafnidiaeth fy hun e Mae yna ddiffyg trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus e Mae tacsis yn ddrud iawn e Cost uchel cludiant personol e Mae canolfannau cymunedol wedi cau e Rydw i’n ofni cwympo e Diffyg cyfleusterau

  9. RB_2015_Improving_later_life_for_people_with_sight_loss-Summary.pdf

    We need to connect with older people when they are losing their sight, offering them information, advice and access to the agencies that can provide support to navigate the system. Sight loss advisers, ... groups and services can be invaluable in meeting these needs; it gives access to emotional support, advice and new social connections. Six: Be ready for ageing and sight loss Ensuring that older people with

  10. Principles of the Act - Handout.pdf

    able to access advice and support at an early stage, to maintain a good quality of life, and reduce or delay the need for longer term care and support; It is important that timely advice and assistance

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