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  1. CRS_Dec15_Public_Financial_Guidance.pdf

    working with the Financial Capability Strategy, and we ourselves at Age UK are committed to doing so too, 11 serving both on the Financial Capability Board and chairing the ‘older people in retirement’ steering

  2. Fuel Poverty policy statement - October 2017.pdf 11 12 https://www

  3. Summer 2022 Newsletter ENG.pdf

    Charity’s work with older veterans contact Hugh Morgan OBE, Veterans’ Coordinator, Age Cymru Dyfed on 03333 11 1920. Age Cymru West Glamorgan’s Suzi rescues trapped client who suffered a fall Age Cymru West Glamorgan’s

  4. Community Calculator - English.pdf

    transport 7 • Public seating and places to rest 8 • Public toilets 9 • Pavements 10 • Neighbourhood safety 11 • Places to meet 12 • Information and advice 13 • Health and social services 14 • Your voice 15 Discussion ... bins, street furniture and overgrown hedges • Issues with cleanliness notably dog fouling and litter. 11 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Number of respondents Neighbourhood safety Excellent 9-10 Good

  5. IG08.pdf

    about your options 6 I want to stay where I am Making changes at home 8 Getting support at home 11 Boosting your income 13 I’ve decided to move Moving in with family 15 Moving home – buying ... Next steps. The DLF website (page 33) has more information about what helpful technology is available. 11 Getting support at home. If you need a bit of help with everyday things – such as getting up, washing

  6. IG48.pdf

    Diagnosis and support. Seeing your doctor. 9. What if it is dementia? 10. How might dementia affect me? 11. Talking about dementia. 13. Finding support in your local area. 16. Living well with dementia. Making ... helpline (page 40) or contact the Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline (page 41) for support and advice. 11 How might dementia affect me? Everyone experiences dementia differently and the progression of symptoms

  7. 2020-2021 Age Cymru MMIYP - English.pdf

    categories: your pension, your home and your wellbeing. 1. Your pension State Pension (see pages 9–11) How much? Up to £175.20 per week depending on the National Insurance contributions made during your ... your State Pension using your spouse or civil partner’s contributions if they’re of State Pension age. 11 More money in your pocket How do I claim? Claiming State Pension is the same under both the new and

  8. CRS_Sept13_Evidence_to_MCA_Select_Committee.pdf

    staff. 1 Cardiff Council v Peggy Ross (2011) COP 28/10/11 12063905v 2 ‘Fraudster gets suspended sentence’ 20 Jan 2010, Money Marketing 3 BSA, BBA, OPG (April

  9. CRS_Sept17_Retirement_Outcomes_Review.pdf

    be able to opt-out in the same way they can from automatic enrolment, we believe it would help boost 11 engagement with saving and continuity between the accumulation and decumulation phases. Question

  10. CRS_Sept15_Strengthening_incentive_to_save.pdf

    contributions is maintained, or there is a real danger of employers scaling back their pension offer. 11 8. How can the government make sure that any reform of pensions tax relief is sustainable for the

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