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  1. CRS_Nov15_NHS_Mandate_2016_17.pdf

    this consultation on setting the mandate to NHS England for 2016-17. This consultation comes in a time of flat funding for NHS services and during the growing crisis in social care funding with over a ... England, might appear to diminish the scope and importance of the mandate. However, we believe it can still have an important role in driving improvement in the NHS. As such, it is disappointing that the

  2. RB_2012_Equalities_Evidence_Review_Moriarty.pdf

    as defined in the Equality Act 2010.(1) To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first times that that this legislation has been used as a framework for summarising the current evidence base ... Urdu-speaking Muslim women make up a very high proportion of people coming to the clinic, in excess of what they would expect given their numbers in the local population. The health and wellbeing board funds

  3. CRS_June14_Freedom_choice_in_pensions.pdf

    and recommendations  Age UK welcomes the provision of more choice and freedom in how consumers can access their defined contribution pension pots, especially for those with small pension pots who are ... products but innovation has to work in the interests of consumers and thought also needs to be given to what the sensible defaults are for consumers who will not actively engage with guidance. The outcomes that

  4. Carers Guide ENG (Jan 23).pdf

    Identifying and supporting older unpaid carers in Wales 4 Your rights 5 Carers needs assessment 6 Should I talk to my GP? 8 Benefits and financial help 9 Benefits calculators 10 Financial support 11 Help ... they save public services a massive £8 billion each year. Providing care for someone can sometimes be difficult. It can affect your employment, your finances and both your physical and mental health. In

  5. RB_Feb13_Understanding_the_oldest_old_Improving_Later_Life.pdf

    research on this growing section of society, there is also a need for a clear summary of the evidence. What was formerly a small number of exceptional individuals is rapidly becoming a whole new generation ... the growing body of evidence about them. The aim of this publication is to present messages about what we need to know and do, based on research, to professional audiences, such as civil servants, national

  6. RB_March14_Toynbee_Hall_Later_older_age.pdf

    the “Older Old”1 clearly showed that we travel into old age carrying the experiences and knowledge which we have gathered along our life journey; and yet, by the time we arrive in later life, the landscape ... old age to shape our quality of life and lifestyle. And, of course, these three determining factors can form an infinite array of combinations; in later, as in earlier, life our well-being depends upon our

  7. RB_Oct15_Diversity_Dementia_Gearing_up.pdf

    cost-effective support. They can use this to help each other as well as offering it to other providers of care and support. Their experiences in meeting different needs in changing times are also potentially valuable ... included as it brought another perspective. We are grateful to all respondents for their interest and time – more than one person was spoken to in many of the HAs – at head office and service levels. 6 Note

  8. IICSA Presentation Advocacy Conference 2019 .pdf

    survivors of child sexual abuse ● Details of our Victims and Survivors’ Consultative Panel members can be found on our website Victims’ and Survivors’ Forum Key Facts ● Approximately 800 members have registered ... The Roman Catholic Church ● Westminster The Inquiry’s research team ● Brings together in one place what is already known about child sexual abuse and finds the gaps in our knowledge ● Supports the Inquiry

  9. FS55.pdf

    Page 1 of 18 Factsheet 55 Carer's Allowance May 2024 About this factsheet This factsheet explains what Carer’s Allowance is, the eligibility criteria, and how to make a claim. The factsheet explains how ... Carer’s Allowance may affect any other benefits you, or the person you care for, are receiving, and what to do if you have a change of circumstance. Carer’s Allowance is being replaced by Carer Support Payment

  10. RB_2013_Age_UK_Digital_Inclusion_Evidence_Review.pdf

    .............................................................................................. 11 What do older internet users use it for? ............................................................. ... digital exclusion of older people ............................................................ 21 What has worked in the past? .........................................................................

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