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  1. FS8w.pdf

    the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 5 3 What is community landlord housing? 7 3.1 Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) 8 4 How can you get community ... take away someone’s priority level? 18 7 Receiving an offer 18 8 If you’re unhappy with the way your application for community landlord housing

  2. age_cymru_manifesto_ENG.pdf

    Creating an age friendly WalesManifesto 2021 Who we are and what we do Age Cymru’s vision is of an age friendly Wales where everyone enjoys good health and social care, lives safely, is free from discrimination ... issues we are experiencing are recognised in plans for Covid reconstruction. 1 Poverty and voice What’s the issue? • There is an ongoing inequality of access to advocacy for all older people in Wales

  3. RB_April17_Guidance--Socio-Demographic_Questions_to_Ask.pdf

    understand the people that are being reached and supported. This type of information helps identify if people being reached and supported are representative of the community or the group within a community ... to helping us strive towards achieving this. 1. What is your gender? (Please tick one box only) Male Female Prefer not to say 2. What is your age? (Please tick one box only) 0–19

  4. Information, Advice and Advocacy policy statement - May 2021.pdf

    ensure that those services who receive a referral from the commissioned organisation are not losing out financially as a consequence of dealing with cases for which another organisation receives payment ... to resolve problems with their housing, welfare benefits and financial commitments. These problems if left unresolved, often act as barriers to employment, can move households into poverty and can negatively

  5. CRS_April16_Submission_FCA_paper_on_ageing_population_and_financial_services.pdf

    that no advice is better than bad advice and that it will not be in the interests of older consumers if access to advice is increased but consumer protection and trust in advisers decreases.  All stakeholders ... affected. We support the FCA’s assessment that, although financial service provision is a small part of what might improve outcomes for older consumers it has a critical role to play in making their lives easier

  6. AC5 Full report Final ENGLISH.pdf

    providers responded that funding for their current services had less than a year to run; another 30% did not know what their future funding arrangements would be.  Only 10% had secured funding for an advocacy ... that commissioned IPA services will become regulated services and as such clear directives around what constitutes a regulated IPA service will come into force by 2018. The survey demonstrates that many

  7. RB_April17_Top_Tips--Designing_Developing_Surveys.pdf

    -------------------------  Be clear about why you are conducting a survey or questionnaire, and what you want to learn from it  Only collect information that you need, and that you do not have or ... the length and style is appropriate.  Refine survey or questionnaire based on feedback (and retest if appropriate) before administrating it widely  Remember to protect personal detail. Give each participant

  8. CF recruitment pack 2023_English.pdf

    challenges, Age Cymru has adapted the way we provide help and support. Our team has been imaginative and what are normally inperson activities have often been adapted to an online environment. Importantly, Age ... politicians on the effect that Covid-19 has had on older people, and in many other policy areas. As we come out of the pandemic, we will continue to ensure that the rights of older people are respected, promoted

  9. Insights_Report -Age_and_Dementia-Friendly_Gymnastics_Programme_Evaluation_Findings.pdf

    staff assessed 10 out of the 14 older people (71%) to have achieved an improvement in some physical movement, 13 out of the 14 older people (93%) to be happier and more settled, 14 out of the 14 older people ... people (100%) to be easier to connect with and 12 out of 14 older people (86%) to be socialising with other residents and staff better. This is consistent with the findings of the pilot phase of the programme

  10. Senior Management Team

    The Senior Management team works closely with the Trustees to carry out the day-to-day running of Age Cymru. Vicki Lloyd, Chief Executive Vicki joined Help the Aged’s policy team in 2006; she was ... fundraising and deployment of volunteers. Amanda also manages the Friend in Need service. Before joining what was then Age Concern Cymru on 3 December 2007, she worked for Lloyds Bank for more than 18 years.

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