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  1. What matters to you.docx

    366224, 029 2043 1555 or email return the completed survey form to Age Cymru,FreepostRLTL-KJTR-BYTT,GroundFloor,MarinersHouse,TridentCourt, East Moors Road, Cardiff ... support to older people, 24 hours a day.Creating anagefriendlyWalesYour details will be kept on a secure database, and we will not share your details with any organisations unless required by law. You c

  2. CSR_Sept12_Human_Rights_Policy.pdf

    UN’s international human rights conventions:  International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 1965 (UK: 1969)  International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966 ... Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966, (UK: 1976)  Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 1979, (UK: 1986)  Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman

  3. Down_Memory_Lane_Evaluation_Jan-2015.pdf

    and therefore need not necessarily focus on technology but themes that will engage older people. Different themed pop up events will engage older people with different interests  Pop up events being fun ... services, this support is yet to be defined and therefore there is a real risk that some older people will be excluded or face significant barriers from participating in such transactions in the future.

  4. RB_Oct14_Cognitive_decline_and_dementia_evidence_review_Age_UK.pdf

    can be done about it. We based this evidence review on the premise that people working for Age UK will need to have clarity on the basic concepts of dementia and cognitive ageing, either in their work ... all have nearly a 50/50 chance of knowing someone with dementia, yet individually two thirds of us will never get dementia. Dementia diseases primarily affect our brains, and the brain has been called ‘the

  5. IG53.pdf

    I claim my State Pension? State Pension age is currently 66 years old for both men and women but will gradually increase from 6 May 2026. Do I get my State Pension automatically? No – you have to claim ... to you and which page to turn to for more information. 4 The new State Pension. If you reached or will reach State Pension age on or after 6 April 2016, the new State Pension system applies to you. How

  6. RB_March14_Digitalbydefault_Government_services_online.pdf

    services in a way that is quick and convenient for individuals at times that suit them. Services will become ‘digital by default’. The Government Digital Strategy (GDS)1 states ‘By digital by default ... we mean digital services that are so straightforward and convenient that all those who can use them will choose to do so whilst those who can’t are not excluded’ It also states that ‘it is important that

  7. IG08.pdf

    you have a garden, is it still manageable? Accessibility. • Can you move around your home easily? • Will it still be suitable if you become less mobile in the future? • Do you have to walk up a long path ... By pressing a button on a pendant or wristband, you can contact a 24-hour response centre. Someone will then call either your chosen contact – a neighbour, relative or friend – or the emergency services

  8. RB_April16_age_friendly_banking.pdf

    more vulnerable to exploitation. We know if nothing changes the problem of financial exploitation will only get worse as the number of older people and their assets continue to grow. AARP is tackling financial ... banks use to fight exploitation and promote age-friendly services. We hope more financial institutions will adopt similar solutions to help older persons manage and maintain their finances not just in the US

  9. RB_Sept17_Age_UK_Budget_Representation.pdf

    sustainable. The Health Foundation has estimated that even with recent Government investment, there will still be a funding gap of around £2.1 billion by 2019/20, just to maintain care at the same level ... residential care are affected through the ‘stealth tax’ now payable by almost 50,000 families, in the form of top-up fees charged by care homes to cross-subsidise inadequate local authority fundingiii We

  10. Measuring a nation's progress - April 2019.pdf

    groups to be measured. The increase in the State Pension Age is based on an assumption that people will be able to work for longer, on the grounds of increasing healthy life expectancy. Statistics show ... consequence of the way in which work is currently funded. It cannot be assumed that successful schemes will continue unless they have managed to achieve sustainability or they are successful with a grant application

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