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  1. FS27.pdf

    usually family members who arrange a funeral but if you made a will, the primary responsibility lies with your executors. If you do not make a will, the person entitled to administer your estate generally assumes ... Reasons for you to plan ahead may include: ⚫ thinking about funeral costs when you write or revise your will ⚫ wanting to know more about funeral plans ⚫ wanting to ease the future burden on your family and

  2. Support groups and charities.pdf

    sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Trust National AIDS Trust Parkinson’s UK Terrence Higgins Trust ... Ymddiriedolaeth Sglerosis Ymledol Ymddiriedolaeth AIDS Genedlaethol Parkinson’s UK Mae Age Cymru yn

  3. Age Cymru response to 6th Senedd Health and Social Care priorities September 2021.pdf

    additional funding announced by this Senedd to address waiting lists will assist greatly but in practical terms, reducing waiting times will take time to achieve. It is therefore vital that those waiting for ... important to older people. However, changes realised through the introduction of the real living wage will take time to achieve and as ever it is important that existing resources are used to their greatest

  4. Social care funding policy statement.pdf

    faster rate than the proportion of the population aged between 18 and 64 and this is a trend that will continue in coming decades. The number of people aged 65 and over is projected to increase by 292 ... daily living, but as we move into our ninth decade and beyond this becomes less common and more of us will need help. Increasing numbers of those providing care are themselves older people. The peak age for

  5. Self Assessment Form For Providers English.pdf

    well-being of individuals through advocacy and to give them a stronger voice This national programme will:  Support strategic health and social care management/commissioning teams and front line professionals ... is consistency of scoring in self-assessment exercises. We have tried to provide a structure that will ensure a standard approach to scoring as far as possible. The Table on the following page describes

  6. CRS_Sept17_Advising_on_pension_transfers.pdf

    significant risk to survivor benefits. When survivor benefits are given up it is likely that many women will lose out, adding to gender inequality in retirement incomes.  There are considerable risks to consumers ... mark – a mark that is clearly defined in the regulation. We are pleased the proposed new regime will place greater emphasis on individual suitability and move away from allowing advisers to focus solely

  7. CRS_Oct11_New_challenges_new_chances_IACL.pdf

    believe this need not be the case as the onus for the former will fall on individual participants rather than providers – it is they who will ultimately need to self-report on the benefits once the course ... proportion of fee paying individuals should become a criteria for receiving public funds. • Wider efforts will be needed in each locality to engage colleges and businesses to assist with infrastructure and delivery

  8. CRS_Nov12_Ending_the_employment_relationship.pdf

    communication about what is and is not acceptable behaviour. Creating new procedures is unnecessary and will only serve to make the system more complex. • Individuals who leave via a settlement agreement should ... or code of practice that these are not a substitute for effective people management. As employers will have to interact with statutory tools and formal procedures, it creates an excellent opportunity to

  9. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Jan 2021.pdf

    value in these relationships, both for themselves as project officers and also for the clients that will use the service. The conversations they’ve been having are leaving their mark and allowing people ... safeguarding solutions. The advocacy we offer will be independent of any other service people living with dementia use. This means the person with dementia will be at the heart of the decision making process

  10. FS35.pdf

    place prior to 1 December 2022) 17 5 If you will struggle to be able to afford a rent increase 18 6 Rent increases and welfare benefits 19 7 Rent arrears ... landlords’ (private registered providers of social housing will also be classed as a community landlord). Private rented sector landlords will continue to be referred to as ‘private landlords’, so there

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