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  1. FS9.pdf

    Race Council Cymru An umbrella body established by ethnic minority grassroots communities to bring key organisations together who combat racial prejudice, race discrimination, harassment, or abuse and violence

  2. FS66w.pdf

    Receiving an initial apology NHS staff are advised that “making a meaningful, personalised apology is a key part of the ‘in-person’ notification process”, although it should be borne in mind that an apology

  3. FS46w.pdf

    to manage their daily living tasks more independently and safely – for example, grabrails, raised toilet seats, rising/reclining chairs, stairlifts, modified baths or showers, or hoists to help lift people

  4. Friend In Need Resource -English.pdf

    might include; cooking; housework; lifting, washing and dressing the person cared for; helping with toileting needs; administering medication; and providing emotional support. It might help the person you’re

  5. FS24w.pdf

    equipment and adaptations24. Social Care Wales have advised that a “one-off purchase may be the key to meeting well-being outcomes. This may be instead of or in addition to buying an ongoing service

  6. FS92.pdf

    introduction and continue to be amended regularly. This factsheet aims to provide a general overview of the key aspects to Universal Credit, but it is important to seek advice about specific issues or problems due

  7. FS89w.pdf

    whether it is unreasonable for the applicant to continue to live in accommodation, [but] it can be a key factor which suggests unreasonableness. Overcrowding will need to be considered in relation to general

  8. FS27.pdf

    UK factsheet 27 February 2024 Planning for your funeral Page 27 of 32 WHERE TO FIND THINGS House keys (including spare sets) _____________________________________________ ___________________________ ... _____________ Age UK factsheet 27 February 2024 Planning for your funeral Page 28 of 32 Car keys _________________________________________________________________ Car insurance certificate / M

  9. IG48.pdf

    Carry a notebook to write down your daily tasks or reminders. • Put important things such as your keys or glasses in the same place every time you finish using them, so you know where to find them. • Try

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