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  1. RB_Oct10_Invisible_But_Invaluable_Report.pdf

    opportunity for the Government to show in practice that it values older carers. Older carers need urgent action. They need financial, practical and emotional support. They save the Government and society generally ... generally around £15 billion. Funding to support them should not be cut. The previous Government’s National Strategy for Carers pledged that by 2018 carers would be supported so that they are not forced

  2. Friend In Need Resource -English.pdf

    eventualities that may arise. • Provide reassurance with accurate and up to date information from Welsh Government and Public Health Wales. Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee ... Creating an age friendly Wales Current Welsh Government guidance There are currently three main areas of guidance, plus a host of other Welsh Government guidance on various topics related to, or affected

  3. RB_July15_Dementia Friendly Programme - Final Evaluation Report.pdf

    more confidently and hopefully, more efficiently with local and regional commissioning and funding bodies: ‘Before [the programme] we were almost embarrassed because we said we weren’t specialist providers ... in the DAA. A few local Age UKs from cohort one mentioned that receiving referrals from statutory bodies in health and social care had proved challenging, despite having formal agreements in place to provide

  4. Dementia Friendly Programme - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    more confidently and hopefully, more efficiently with local and regional commissioning and funding bodies: ‘Before [the programme] we were almost embarrassed because we said we weren’t specialist providers ... in the DAA. A few local Age UKs from cohort one mentioned that receiving referrals from statutory bodies in health and social care had proved challenging, despite having formal agreements in place to provide

  5. RB_Dec14_Dashboards_and_jam_jars_pension_pots_and_retirement_income.pdf

    help those with small DC pension pots take decisions and maximise their retirement income, the Government, pensions industry and regulators should introduce the following changes: Pensions Dashboard: ... exhausted their DC pension, how to avoid scams and the need to minimise taxation. Introduce strong governance requirements around retirement income processes: It is important that those responsible for specifying

  6. IG44.pdf

    Tel: 0300 123 3084. Driver and Vehicle Agency Northern Ireland (DVA). Government agency responsible for licensing and testing vehicles and drivers in Northern Ireland. Tel: 0300 ... Agency (DVLA). Government organisation responsible for issuing driving licences. Tel: 0300 790 6801 for licence enquiries or 0300 790 6806 to report a medical condition.

  7. FS56.pdf

    There is a Welsh language line on 0800 731 0453. You can download a claim form from: Age UK factsheet April 2024 Benefits for people ... civil partner can qualify. For more information contact Veterans UK or see online at 4.6 Healthcare costs Depending on your income and savings, you may be

  8. CRS_Dec14_Health_select_committee_inquiry_end_of_life_care.pdf

    hospital is linked to poor performance in end of life care. The Age UK/NHS Confederation/Local Government Association Dignity Commission4 found frequent examples of poor end of life care at the root of ... place. 6.3. In part this is captured by the use of the word “frailty”, a word increasingly used in government and wider health policy. In work we have recently completed on health professional perceptions

  9. Age Cymru - Why are we waiting - Delays in care assessments in Wales - August 2022.pdf

    30 days for a care needs assessment or implementation of a care package. Recommendation 4 Welsh Government should provide a national focus, examining what help is needed whilst people wait and how this ... provided, in parity to the work on waiting well within the healthcare sector. Recommendation 5 Welsh government, regional partnership boards, health boards and local authorities should ensure that third sector

  10. Covid Survey 2022 - English - 040322.docx

    acrossWales. It’s being undertaken by keyorganisationsthatrepresentolderpeople. It’s important that Welsh Government and others hear from older peopleabouttheirexperiencesoftheCovid-19 pandemic and the impact this

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