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  1. ageukig51_thinking_about_end_of_life_inf.pdf

    of wishes 24 Conversations with your GP and medical team 25 Terms you may hear 27 Considering where you would like to be looked after 29 Care at home 30 Care from a hospice 31 Care homes 33 Advice ... and start getting your affairs in order. Taking steps now can give you confidence that your wishes are documented and that people close to you know what you would want, if there comes a time when you can

  2. AC5 Full report Final ENGLISH.pdf

    specifically for older people in Wales 21 Advocacy services for a wider client group but older people are supported as part of the service 21 Language 22 Quality and standards 22 Funding and sustainability ... recommendations 26 Appendix 1 - Advocacy Counts 5: Data results 28 2 2. Acknowledgements Age Cymru are grateful to all of the advocacy service providers who took time to complete the online survey and to

  3. IG47.pdf

    5. About dementia. What is dementia? 8. Getting a diagnosis. 10. Dealing with a diagnosis. 12. Where to turn for support. Support and advice. 14. Talking to family and friends. 16. Doing things together ... progresses, practical things you can do, strategies that could help you cope in your caring role, and where to turn for support. You may not have time to sit and read the whole guide, so you might just want

  4. CRS_June14_CPA_Using_housing_wealth_to_pay_for_care.pdf

    equality so the holding of housing wealth in older age is by no means universal  • Housing assets are viewed differently from other assets. First and foremost the owner‐occupied  property is  a ‘home’ ... ’ fees of approximately £12,000 per annum  o a universal deferred payments scheme  where non housing assets held are less than £23,250, allowing the deferral of the payment of  residential care fees, 

  5. RB_July14_Access_all_ages_2.pdf

    proxy indicators 35 2 Access all Ages 2 1 Patients have the right to expect that medical decisions are based on their overall health and clinical needs, not on assumptions about their age. Our first report ... this follow-up report shows, the problems are far from over. There is concerning, widespread variation in the rates of surgery for older patients, depending on where they live. Clinical commissioning groups

  6. Wales Against Scams Partnership

    The Wales Against Scams Partnership (WASP) is a network of organisations that are committed to fighting against fraud in Wales. WASP was founded by Age Cymru and the Older People’s Commissioner for ... scam can have a devastating impact on both the victim and their family and friends. The consequences are not just financial – they can cause lasting damage to mental and even physical health. Scams

  7. The Equality Act

    Disability Religion or belief Sexual orientation Marriage or civil partnership Pregnancy and maternity You are protected from a number of different things under the Equality Act: Direct discrimination This is when ... characteristic like their age. For example, if you can pay for an item in instalments but only if you are working, this would disadvantage retired people. Harassment This is when you experience behaviour that

  8. Coivd-19 Survey_v2 WELSH.docx

    a’reffaithmaewedi’ichaelarnynt.Bydd yrarolwghwnyncymrydoddeutu15 munudi’wgwblhau.Mae eichymatebynddienw.Diolch i chi am eichcefnogaethdrwygwblhau’rarolwghwn.Y CyfnodCloA1. Yn ystod y cyfnodauclo, roeddwnynrhano grŵpOeddwn ... bywydgwellMwy oamserLlai obwysauArall ,nodwch:Eglurwch osgwelwchyndda:B4. Pa brofiadauheriolydych chi wedi’uprofiynystod y cyfnodclopresennol?(Ticiwchbob unsy’nberthnasol)Methu â gweldteulu /cyfeillionGofalu

  9. RB_July14_Housing_Later_Life_Report.pdf

    work on retirement housing over the years. July 2014 2 3 Key facts Currently 9.3 million households are headed by a person over retirement age. By 2033, this is expected to increase to 13 million; an increase ... have immense benefits for society and the economy. Although there are positive initiatives in mainstream and specialist housing, they are not enough to respond to the rapidly expanding population of older

  10. RB_June15_Lonelines_in_later_life_evidence_review.pdf

    ...................................................................................... 14 6 What are the challenges and barriers? ..................................................................... ... ......................................................................................... 16 What are the future trends? ...............................................................................

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