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  1. Later Life Planning Booklet FINAL ENG.pdf

    you’re married, don’t assume your ‘other half’ will get everything. Other family members may have a claim. If you’re not married but living as a couple, you may be treated as a single person and your surviving ... Advance Decision to ensure it continues to reflect your views. Your particular circumstances and state of health may influence how frequently you do this. Regularly reviewing it helps the doctor providing

  2. CRS_Feb17_Cqc_NHS_Consultation_Use_Resources_Well-led_Assessments.pdf

    safety, whilst NHS Improvement oversees NHS foundation trusts, NHS trusts and independent providers, forming views of their support needs in areas such as quality, operational performance, finance and use of ... quality. The role of CQC is set out in legislation, the Health and Social Care Act 2008. This Act states that ‘the main objective of the Commission in performing its functions is to protect and promote

  3. CRS_Feb17_CQC_Next_phase_of_regulation_consultation.pdf

    services such as care homes.  Assessment of aspects of sustainability and use of resources should form part of consideration of whether or not services are well led. This assessment should look at financial ... refocus a service may also simply de-register and close the existing service. 4 The consultation states that CQC will ‘encourage’ providers to inform the regulator of innovations, even those that do not

  4. End of life issues

    and Dementia UK have helplines for those affected by dementia Advance care planning is a specific form of end-of-life care planning. It means thinking about how you would like to be cared for in the future

  5. Dementia Friendly Programme - Final Evaluation Report (Summary Booklet).pdf

    Tavis House, 1–6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. Age UK and its subsidiary companies and charities form the Age UK Group, dedicated to helping more people love later life. ID202820 08/15 © Age UK (August

  6. fit for the future project - Final Evaluation Report (Summary Booklet.pdf

    Tavis House, 1–6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. Age UK and its subsidiary companies and charities form the Age UK Group, dedicated to helping more people love later life. ID202821 08/15 Tavis House 1–6

  7. 4 Become a care home volunteer leaflet .pdf

    Register interest Optional phone call Application form submitted DBS application Training and Safeguarding Approval Induction at care home I need

  8. IL1.pdf

    One America Square, 17 Crosswall, London EC3N 2LB. Age UK and its subsidiary companies and charities form the Age UK Group. ID204956 05/23 What should I do now? You may want to read some of our relevant information

  9. CRS_Aug17_cqc_next_phase_of_regulation_consultation_2.pdf

    the case of a community-based service, the register will state in what location that registered office (CQC registered) is but it does not state what area that registered location covers. Therefore changing ... 5 falling from £249 million a year in 2015/16 to £217 million in 2019/20. Meanwhile, in its 2016 State of Health and Social Care report, CQC warned of a social care sector reaching a ‘tipping point’, and

  10. Age Cymru Advocacy Determining Need flow chart - English and Welsh.pdf

    IPA under the SSWb Act, but consider other forms of support and advocacy. Is the person eligible for IMCA? In partnership with the person, determine which form of advocacy is most suitable, including appropriate

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