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  1. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2014_2015.pdf

    sighted and finds it hard to get out and about. Worried about Jinnie’s wellbeing, last year her carer referred Jinnie to Age UK’s telephone befriending service, Call in Time. Call in Time matched Jinnie ... programme to support hospital nurses to ‘listen and learn’ from older people, their families and carers, to bring about positive changes to wards. The programme will run into 2016. We also established

  2. Age_Cymru_thinking_about_end_of_life_CYM.pdf

    Gall teulu a ffrindiau, grwpiau gofalwyr, fforymau ar-lein sy’n cael eu cynnig gan sefydliadau fel Carers UK, eich meddyg teulu neu gwnsler gynnig lle i chi rannu eich teimladau. 37 Meddwl am ddiwedd eich

  3. BGF_Pilot_Evaluation_Report.pdf

    participating in the sessions are able to take part along with their spouses, family members and carers. 2.4. The delivery of each session is structured around eight core activity themes: Meeting &

  4. annual_review_2012_2013.pdf

    Age UKs. The project, which will be rolled out to 12 local Age UKs in the future, aims to engage young volunteers to assist older people to become digitally engaged. Money raised by runners of the April

  5. CRS_June2014_APPG_Food_Hunger_response_June_2014.pdf

    A man in his 50s cared for his mother until she had to move in to a care home. After 8 weeks his Carer’s Allowance stopped, leaving him with no money. Although Age UK advised him about the benefits he was

  6. Walking_Football-Qualitative_Evaluation_Report.pdf

    looked like enjoying it” “mostly around social interaction…one chap [with dementia] in particular his carer said stands still all the time won’t walk about but after coming to two sessions at walking football

  7. Spring 2022 Newsletter v4.pdf

    in the employment market. Later life can throw up health challenges, changes of lifestyle and new carer responsibilities. It is important for older workers to understand their rights, and to be supported ... week if you need help in the day or at night. £89.60 if you need help in the day and at night • Carer’s Allowance - £67.60 per week if you care for someone • Help with health costs - Amount varies. Helps

  8. RB_2011_Living_on_a_low_income_full_report.pdf

    with her disabled son. She is also physically disabled, and has difficulty walking. She relies on carers to take her to and from shops and services, and has to pay per trip from the direct payments that ... meeting yesterday, which meant that I had to cancel going to my brother, because I can only afford carers twice a week, so if I’ve got to go to the dentist, I can’t go to my brother. Q: So your care workers

  9. Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales W WEB.pdf

    Future of Paying for Social Care in Wales. Adroddiad Cyntaf i Lywodraeth Cymru. Ebrill 2014 14 Yn ôl Carers Wales, mae dros 370,000 o ofalwyr di-dâl yng Nghymru. 15 Pwyllgor Dethol, 2013: t11 16 Llywodraeth

  10. Housing policy statement March 2020.pdf

    need has been identified.49 We note that this duty ‘will be of particular benefit to children and young people, disabled people and older people who may have greater need to access community services’.50

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