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  1. Age Cymru response LGBTQ+ Action Plan consultation October 2021_.pdf

    1 Age Cymru consultation response – LGBTQ+ Action Plan October 2021 1. Do you think the Action Plan will increase equality for LGBTQ+ people and what do you think the priorities should be? Age Cymru welcomes the development of the LGBTQ+ Action Plan. Over time, actions included should assist in increasing equality for LGBTQ+ people in Wales. It would be helpful if further detail were

  2. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy October 2023 Final.pdf

    Advocacy Newsletter Issue No 7 October 2023 Advocacy News HOPE Advocacy Project We are approaching the three quarter point of the project and want to take this opportunity to remind everyone what HOPE is all about and the service and opportunity we provide. Age Cymru’s HOPE project provides independent advocacy support to local older people (50+) and carers so they can help shape

  3. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 8 W FINAL 2.pdf

    Mawrth 2022 Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Pwysigrwydd Eiriolaeth 8 Adolygiad o wasanaethau eiriolaeth i oedolion yng Nghymru gan ganolbwyntio'n benodol ar bobl hŷn Cynnwys 1.Crynodeb Gweithredol 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 2. Adolygiad o wasanaethau eiriolaeth i oedolion yng Nghymru gan ganolbwyntio ar bobl hŷn Cyflwyniad Methodoleg Canfyddiadau allweddol ers Pwysigrwydd Eiriolaeth 7 Nifer y gwasanaethau

  4. Age Cymru Carers report draft01 CYMRAEG (1).pdf

    Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Am y Tro Crynodeb o ganfyddiadau gan ofalwyr hŷn 2 Am y Tro Crynodeb o ganfyddiadau gan ofalwyr hŷn Cyflwyniad Cyn y brigiad o achosion o Covid-19, amcangyfrifwyd bod dros 370,000 o ofalwyr di-dâl yng Nghymru. Mae amcangyfrifon mwy diweddar gan Gofalwyr Cymru yn awgrymu bod dros 680,000 wedi bod yn darparu gofal di-dâl yn ystod y pandemig. Mae gofalwyr di-dâl yn darparu

  5. Age Cymru Carers report draft03 (1).pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales For the Moment Summary of findings from older carers 2 For the Moment Summary of findings from older carers Introduction Prior to the Covid-19 outbreak, it was estimated that there are more than 370,000 unpaid carers in Wales. More recent estimates by Carers Wales suggest that over 680,000 have been providing unpaid care during the pandemic. Unpaid carers provide

  6. Age Cymru Carers report - English.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales For the Moment Summary of findings from older carers 2 For the Moment Summary of findings from older carers Introduction Prior to the Covid-19 outbreak, it was estimated that there are more than 370,000 unpaid carers in Wales. More recent estimates by Carers Wales suggest that over 680,000 have been providing unpaid care during the pandemic. Unpaid carers provide

  7. HOPE WELSH Advocacy Newsletter Oct 2020.pdf

    hifyn 1 Hydref 2020 Lansiad Swyddogol Prosiect HOPE Rydym yn falch o gyflwyno prosiect newydd cyffrous sy'n barod i gefnogi pobl hŷn (50+) a gofalwyr ledled Cymru. Lansiwyd y prosiect HOPE (Helping others to participate and engage) yn swyddogol ar 6 Hydref 2020 gyda chymorth gan y Dirprwy Weinidog Julie Morgan ac enwogion Cymru, megis Roy Noble. Partneriaeth yw prosiect HOPE rhwng Age Cymru,

  8. Ideas for Activities Bilingual 2018.pdf

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  9. Survey March 2024 v6.docx

    Whatmatterstoyou?Current experiencesofpeople aged50oroverinWalesThis isthefifthannualsurveyundertakensince2020byAgeCymru and the key organisations that represent older people in Wales.It’s importantthatWelshGovernmentandothershearfromolder people about your experiences and what matters to you.This surveywilltake15minutestocomplete.Your responseisanonymousbutifyouwantustocontactyouabout the survey

  10. Health services and the NHS policy statement - February 2019.pdf

    1 Public Policy Statement Health Services and the NHS February 2019 Summary- Older people are the main adult users of most health and care services. The population in Wales has the highest proportion of older people in the UK and more people are living longer, often with multiple chronic conditions which can be managed but not cured. The NHS was originally designed to treat episodes of

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