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  1. Information guides and factsheets

    For guides and factsheets that focus on specific subject areas, see our other pages, covering : 'Care & support' ; 'Health & wellbeing' ; 'Money and legal' ; and 'Work & learning' . If you

  2. CRS_Feb16_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_Inquiry_into_intergenerational_fairness.pdf

    adversely affected but so have some older age groups, particularly due to the underfunding of the social care system. Introduction 1. Age UK welcomes the opportunity to respond to this inquiry. The concept ... services. 3. We are all part of intergenerational communities and families, and people do not just care about their own wellbeing or that of others of a similar age. For example, many older people are very

  3. Discriminatory abuse

    criminal justice and civic status Failure to follow aspects of a person’s agreed support or care plan that reflects their individual identity, such as ill-treatment or harassment based on a person’s ... age, sex, sexuality, disability, religious beliefs or ethnic group Preventing the adult who needs care and support from having equal access to education, health, justice and access to appropriate services

  4. Scams and Swindles 2 PDF proof English.pdf

    tells them the vast majority of residents do not want to be cold called, especially by people offering home improvement work or selling goods and services on the doorstep. The zones are not intended to keep ... 000 are covered by No Cold Calling Zones. This has risen over the past 18 months from the 35,000 homes that were covered in 2013, in part due to time limited Welsh Government funding for setting them up

  5. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Ethnic_minorities_Gypsies_and_Travellers.pdf

    provision.”13 Care, Family and Community Family and community bonds are particularly strong in traveller communities. Even when living on a permanent site, older family members will continue to be cared for by ... no relatives on the same site, making family based care more difficult.6 In a 2016 study, 42% of Gypsies and Travellers were providing informal care for immediate household members or wider family, on

  6. Summer Health Advice - how to protect yourself

    and B) protection Keeping your home cool When inside, try to stay in the coolest parts of your home. It may be an idea to move rooms and sleep in the cooler part of your home Help keep the heat out by closing

  7. Changes to landline telephones

    which means that landline services are changing. You’ll still be able to have a landline in your home, but the technology that powers it will be a bit different and you may need to upgrade some of your ... ‘IP network’. Landlines will still exist, and you can still have a phone line in your home - but the system that underpins it will be different. The changeover needs to happen by December 2025

  8. Doorstep scams

    comes to your door with the aim of scamming you out of your money or trying to gain access to your home to steal items from inside. While there are legitimate tradespeople and officials, it’s wise to be ... may offer you a service you don’t really need. They may try to push you into agreeing to unnecessary home repairs or improvements, often at extortionate prices. A common tactic is when they claim to have

  9. CRS_Dec15_Public_Financial_Guidance.pdf

    Powers of Attorney, scam awareness and remedies, switching service providers and planning ahead for care home fees. Many practical day-to-day financial topics appear on the full list of enquiries including ... topics at Level 1 were benefits, finding help at home and housing. At Level 2 the most frequent topics were benefits, residential care and nonresidential care.iii 4 In 2014-15, there were 271,741 I&A enquiries

  10. Employment and Contribution policy statement - September 2019.pdf

    the major economic contributions that older people make through paid employment, voluntary roles, caring responsibilities and as consumers. An ageing population may bring challenges but it is also a significant ... people also undertake vital caring responsibilities for partners, relatives, friends, neighbours and grandchildren. It has been estimated that unpaid carers provide 96% of all care provided in the community

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