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  1. GCBH_Brain-Social-Connectedness.pdf

    independent collaborative of scientists, health professionals, scholars, and policy experts from around the world working in areas of brain health related to human cognition. The GCBH focuses on brain health relating ... as they age. Nature of Evidence Reviewed Social activities vary widely across cultures around the world. This diversity can explain the differences that exist in both the type and intensity of social activities

  2. annual_review_2016_2017.pdf

    ‘My call is something to look forward to in a week when I may have little contact with the outside world. It helps me cope with my feelings of loneliness.’ Janet ‘The classes are really good. I like meeting ... peoples’ wellbeing. Our 2017 Index of Wellbeing in Later Life found that feeling part of the wider world has a significant effect on peoples’ wellbeing. Whether that’s through social, creative, physical

  3. Newsletter Nov 2020 v2.pdf

    home to help keep our muscles strong and maintain balance: Light exercises – getting up to make a cup of tea, standing up and sitting down, cleaning, vacuuming, making the bed, and walking slowly round

  4. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_full_report.pdf

    Active communities 66 Notes 76 2 3 Our partners Age UK works with partners in the UK and across the world. Our network includes the three national charities Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland and around 165 ... with 650 staff and volunteers and a budget of just over £1 million to help 9,159 people. 12 13 In a world where people are increasingly expected to provide for themselves, supportive systems are essential

  5. Annual_review_201516_lowres.pdf

    mean being complacent. There’s so much more work to do. With your support, together, we can create a world where everyone can love later life. A full copy of our most recent annual report and accounts is ... there who are so nice. Our friendship was instant. We got on right from the start. She means the world to me. I worry about her like a father, as she feels like the daughter I never had.’ Ruth always

  6. RB_June11_job_blocking_briefing.pdf

    ‘job blocking’ does not exist. Here we look at some of the main examples from the UK and around the world. UK: The Job Release Scheme In 1970s Britain the prevailing view in policy circles was that older ... elderly to leave the labor market are likely to be counterproductive.’x The evidence from across the world reinforces this view – Gruber and Wise provide us with more from Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Italy,

  7. RB_Oct14_NHS_Five_Year_Forward_View.pdf

    social status or ability to pay. To high quality care for all. Our values haven’t changed, but our world has. So the NHS needs to adapt to take advantage of the opportunities that science and technology ... measure the health service has become £20 billion more efficient. No health system anywhere in the world in recent times has managed five years of little or no real growth without either increasing charges

  8. IG15.pdf

    wholemeal bread and cereals, fruit and vegetables) • not drinking enough (you should drink at least 6 to 8 cups of liquid a day) • not moving around much • certain medicines (such as some painkillers) • not being

  9. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2011_2012.pdf

    wellbeing 10 Home & care 16 Travel & lifestyle 20 Work & learning 24 Closer to home 28 Around the world 34 Message from the Chairman and Chief Executive 2 The year in numbers 4 In 2011/12, Age UK was voted ... continue to deliver on our core mission of improving later life, both across the UK and around the world. 2 Dianne Jeffrey CBE DL Chairman Tom Wright CBE Group Chief Executive It was a strong year financially

  10. CRS_Dec16_Post_Office_Network_Consultation.pdf

    social enterprise driven by the needs and aspirations of people in late life. Our vision is for a world where everyone can love later life. Age UK provides information and advice to over 5 million people ... Branch and service standards in Post Office Locals, Citizen’s Advice 2015 vi Later Life in a Digital World, Age UK, 2015 vii Internet Users in the UK 2016 ONS, 2016. viii Adults’ media use and attitudes Ofcom

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