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  1. Discrimination and Human Rights policy statement.pdf

    although people can continue to be treated differently if there is objective justification. However, women aged over 70 years in Wales are not automatically called for breast cancer screening, and would need ... cancer incidence is strongly related to age, with the highest incidence rates overall being in older women. 2 We believe that people should be treated on the basis of their clinical need and not their age

  2. CRS_Feb16_Age_UKs_Evidence_to_the_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_Inquiry_into_intergenerational_fairness.pdf

    to working age benefits. Increases in State Pension age reduce public spending, but have left many women waiting longer for their State Pension with little time to plan. The Winter Fuel Payment and the ... from generous defined benefit pensions many have not, and women in particular are more likely to have lower pension wealth. For example, among women aged 55-64 over a third (37 per cent) have no private pension

  3. RB_Sept12_A_means_to_many_ends_older_workers'_experiences_of_flexible_working.pdf

    context The Government has recently legislated to raise the State Pension age to 66 for both men and women by 2020, and has put forward proposals to further increase the age to 67 between 2024 and 2026. The ... analysis, more men than women used these options. This difference is because of a greater proportion of men working from home (see Figures 2 and 3). With home working excluded, more women than men work flexibly

  4. CRS_Feb16_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_Inquiry_into_intergenerational_fairness.pdf

    to working age benefits. Increases in State Pension age reduce public spending, but have left many women waiting longer for their State Pension with little time to plan. The Winter Fuel Payment and the ... from generous defined benefit pensions many have not, and women in particular are more likely to have lower pension wealth. For example, among women aged 55-64 over a third (37 per cent) have no private pension

  5. CRS_Nov15_Age_UK_submission_to_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_new_State_Pension_Inquiry.pdf

    are both in the old system, both in the new system, or are in different systems)  the impact for women who have not worked  entitlement for people living abroad  how means-tested benefits will be affected ... Department communications addressing the needs of specific groups who are affected differently, such as women born between 6 April 1951 and 5 April 1953? 19. The impact of the new State Pension depends on a number

  6. Age Cymru Social Care Workforce Consultation October 2021.pdf

    people between the ages of 45 and 74 were the age group most likely to be carers and that 31% of women were carers compared with 27% of men. Many carers do not see themselves as a carer, and so some will ... and that 29% are aged 50+. For public services this rises to 87% as female and 48% over 50. Many women experience a whole range of symptoms as a result of hormonal changes that can affect their ability

  7. CRS_April14_NICE_Public_Health_guideline.pdf

    proportion of people working flexibly has fallen between 2010 and 2012, which has particularly impacted on women.xiv The Government is set to extend the Right to Request flexible working to all employees in June ... better retirement preparation and workforce planning respectively. Older workers, in particular 50+ women, often have caring responsibilities that make attaining a satisfactory work-life balance essential

  8. Health improvement and prevention policy statement - Jan 2016.pdf

    according to Cancer Research UK, 81 per cent of breast cancers are diagnosed in women aged 50 and over. One-third of women diagnosed with breast cancer are aged over 70. However, there is low awareness ... awareness being higher among other age groups. Older women are also more likely to delay attending the GP with breast cancer symptoms . 16 Despite this, women aged over 70 years are not automatically called

  9. RB_2012_Equalities_Evidence_Review.pdf

    manager of a large home from hospital scheme tells a group of volunteers who include Muslim men and women that volunteers cannot request to visit people of the same gender as themselves. Harassment Harassment ... of their protected characteristics. For example, a falls clinic finds that Urdu-speaking Muslim women make up a very high proportion of people coming to the clinic, in excess of what they would expect

  10. CRS_Dec16_response_to_Cridland_SPA_review.pdf

    About this consultation Under legislation already in place, women’s State Pension age will be 65 from November 2018, 66 for both men and women from October 2020 and 67 from March 2028. Current legislation ... how important the State Pension is for the retirement income of younger generations, particularly women (Figure 8). These assume the triple lock will continue and look just at the first year of retirement

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