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  1. Paying for goods.pdf

    Paying for goods and services The person you’re supporting will need to consider how to access their cash or to pay for goods and services whilst they’re isolating at home. Many people will be anxious about ... available methods of accessing cash best suit their needs. • Not take cash or cards to pay for goods or services. There are a number of different ways to safely access cash and pay for goods and services

  2. 6 Care home volunteer application form (1).pdf

    application form Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us. All care home volunteer roles support us to improve lives and help us work towards an age friendly Wales. As a volunteer, you will not ... knowing your contribution counts Please complete this application form as well as you can. Contact us with any queries – we will be pleased to assist. You will be notified when your DBS application has

  3. RB_June11_the_way_we_pay.pdf

    payment methods are available? 21 Access to banking and payment systems 25 3 What older people told us they need 31 Summary of key findings 31 The research 32 How do people pay now? 34 Older people’s ... extra costs as a result. This report argues that we all need a range of payment mechanisms that allows us to access essential services safely, conveniently and at low cost. In an ageing society, Age UK advocates

  4. 01_Knit_A_Rainbow_DIGITAL.pdf

    hat has got it all. Colours of the rainbow, that is. If you want to send any pots of gold you find to us directly, we’re totally fine with that. how you knit it: Cast on 31 sts in red. Knit two rows (garter ... et Bernard Cut the yarn and pull through remaining stitches. making up: Use a sewing needle to join side seams. Make a pompom using all the colours and sew it securely to top of the hat. You can now sing

  5. Promo Leaflet v5.pdf

    above, please help us by completing our questionnaire. You can complete our questionnaire at or contact us for a paper version which can be sent back to us free of charge ... prefer you can talk to us about your experiences. We can also provide you with information and signposting information to support you as part of this conversation. Contact us Luke Conlon - Carers Project

  6. RB_July15_AgeUK_survey_attitudes_to_secondary_annuity_market.pdf

    from polling commissioned by Age UK to uncover more information about older peoples’ attitudes to cashing in an existing pension annuity. July 2015 Contact: 2 ... ................................................................................ 2 3. To cash in…or not to cash in?.................................................................................. 3 4

  7. Postal scams

    the ways that scammers commonly contact people is through the post. As the techniques that scammers use get more sophisticated, it can be difficult to spot the difference between scam mail, junk mail and ... you spot them: Lotteries and prize draws You may receive a letter congratulating you on winning a cash prize. Usually you’ll be given a number to call, and if you do, you’ll be asked to pay a fee before

  8. Blue Badge Scheme in Wales - February 2019.pdf

    for, and using Blue Badges. Many of these enquirers are not eligible for an automatic qualification for a Blue Badge but are eligible for a discretionary qualification. 2. Enquirers have told us that some ... criteria, especially in relation to the distance people are able to walk. Several people have told us that they have been turned down for a Blue Badge even though they are unable to walk the distance specified

  9. Advocacy services in Wales

    regularly at network meetings using the template developed by the Alzheimer’s Society. If you're aware of updated information that needs including in the documents, please contact us Blaenau Gwent Bridgend

  10. Age Cymru Hope Project FAQs + QPM ENGLISH.pdf

    member of the team using the contact details above. Age Cymru also have a comments, compliments and complaints policy which is available on request. 14.How will the team communicate with us? The team will ... The team also has first language Welsh speakers and if you’d prefer to speak to us in the Welsh language please let us know. All of our published resources are bilingual. 15.How can we be assured of confidentiality

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