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  1. The Winter Fuel Payment and Warm Home Discount

    Winter Fuel Payment is an annual payment to help with heating costs. Find out if you can claim Winter Fuel Payment.

  2. Random acts of kindness

    The 17 February is random acts of kindness day. Why not carry out an act of kindness and make someone's day a little brighter.

  3. What is adult safeguarding?

    Safeguarding is a term that refers our duty to protect an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.

  4. Question Time Event - 23 March 2021

    Age Cymru recently held an online Question Time Event where older people throughout Wales were invited to pose questions to politicians.

  5. About Project 360°

    Project 360° is an innovative partnership project led by Age Cymru, working with Woody’s Lodge, and Age Alliance Wales members to support older military veterans across Wales.

  6. Age at Work

    Our Age at Work project aims to raise awareness of an ageing workforce and supporting businesses in Wales to be more age inclusive.

  7. How to adjust to living alone

    you may find yourself living alone. But with a little help, living alone is something that most of us can adapt to.

  8. Complaints about homecare services

    If you have a complaint about the social care you have received or want to make an appeal about a decision regarding your care, you have rights which are explained here.

  9. Get involved

    involved and support Age Cymru, such as donating, volunteering, taking a challenge, or campaigning with us. Find out the ways you can get involved.

  10. Donate

    Help us to be there for millions of older people. There are many different ways that you can donate or give money to Age Cymru. Make a one-off or monthly donation now.

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