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  1. Joe Powell.pdf

    All wales People First? • National Umbrella Group of self-advocacy groups in Wales. • National Council – 22 reps/ 22 groups. • Support self-advocacy groups to get going and keep going. www.allwalespeople1st ... Situation in Wales • Advocacy Grant Scheme (pump prime funding) • SSWB Wales Act – Advocacy Technical Groups • Independent Professional Advocacy Contracts • Self-advocacy misunderstood • Only 1-1 advocacy statutory

  2. Tell Me More Project Consent_ENG.docx

    White British / White Other Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups Asian / Asian British Black / African / Caribbean / Black British Other ethnic group: (Please specify) __________________________________

  3. Glenys Thomas and Shirley Phillips

    a part of a close unit we have created over the past few years with a great many of our original group still attending. What would you say to someone who is thinking of becoming involved with volunteering

  4. RB_Jan15_Promising_approaches-loneliness_and_isolation.pdf

    areas for development 51–57 6.1. Loneliness within care settings 51 6.2. Black and Minority Ethnic groups 54 6.3. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans older people 56 Conclusions and recommendations 58–61 ... 24 8 Touchstones – Yorkshire 27 9 Brighton and Hove Carers Centre – Male Carers Social Support Group 28 10 Fit for the Future – Age UK 29 11 Open Age – London 30 12 Men’s Sheds/Tools Company – Age

  5. Technology_Together_Pilot_Evaluation_Outcome_Impact_Map.pdf

    inactive young people who are not pursuing any studies or training are regarded as a socially excluded group  45% of young say they are happiest when online Intergenerational Relationships:  63% of older

  6. Tell Me More Project Consent _ENG.pdf

    White British / White Other • Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups • Asian / Asian British • Black / African / Caribbean / Black British • Other ethnic group: (Please specify) ______________________________

  7. Advocacy Services in Monmouthshire.pdf

    GATA Gwent Access to Advocacy Referring to Dewis CIL and Age Cymru Gwent 0808 8010566 Self advocacy /Group advocacy NYAS - Independent professional advocacy for CYP who are on the CP register,LAC, CIN or Care

  8. RB_April17_Guidance--Socio-Demographic_Questions_to_Ask.pdf

    information helps identify if people being reached and supported are representative of the community or the group within a community being targeted. It also provides information on the types of people for whom results

  9. Age Cymru fundraising charter 2019.pdf

    partners Age NI, Age Scotland, Age UK and Age Cymru subsidiary trading businesses known as the Age Cymru Group. © Age Cymru 2019 Registered charity 1128436

  10. Martin Rolph

    Cymru? I applied to train and volunteer for Age Cymru Tai Chi because I wanted to be a member of a group but they were all full in my area. What difference to your life has volunteering made to you? The

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