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  1. Buses - a lifeline for older people.pdf

    to get out and about is critical to the wellbeing of older people. Whether it is being able to go shopping, visit friends or attend medical appointments, the ability to get there independently and without ... meetings Walking Church Bank Education Post Office Lunch club Food shopping Library Council offices Walking group Swimming Shopping Fitness classes Visiting friends Cinema Meeting family A review of

  2. Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the first Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery - October 2020 ENG.pdf

    lockdown accessing food and prescriptions was an issue for many older people. For those unable to access shops themselves or gain slots for food deliveries, there was a need to rely on family or friends, or volunteers ... Some people told us that due to having to shop in different ways such as online or relying on volunteers, they were having to pay more money for their food shopping than they would normally. ‘I can only access

  3. Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the first Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery - October 2020 ENG.pdf

    lockdown accessing food and prescriptions was an issue for many older people. For those unable to access shops themselves or gain slots for food deliveries, there was a need to rely on family or friends, or volunteers ... Some people told us that due to having to shop in different ways such as online or relying on volunteers, they were having to pay more money for their food shopping than they would normally. ‘I can only access

  4. RB_May15_Life_Offline.pdf

    (such as utilities, banks, etc.), other consumer goods and services (such as food/clothes/homeware shopping)       7 Within the sample we also ensured inclusion of the following characteristics: • ... only really able to suggest that the internet could be used to ‘look up information’. Being able to shop/bank online were also familiar online activities for most older people in the sample, although it

  5. annual_review_2014_2015.pdf

    show how our millions of supporters have made them possible – from donating unwanted items to our shops to getting crafty with their knitting needles. A full copy of our Annual Report and Accounts is ... to March 22 23 The moment we turned clothing into healthcare In 2014, our network of 428 charity shops collected donated goods to support the work of Age UK’s sister charity, Age International, which

  6. WWU - English.pdf

    you will need to scatter more of the mixture. Some councils provide free bags of the mix. Local DIY shops and larger supermarkets often stock the mix. 5 Winter wrapped up 6 Winter wrapped up Keep moving Keeping ... long life food items in the cupboard or freezer in case it’s too cold to go out shopping. You could also do your food shopping online and get it delivered to your door. Include a good range of foods in your

  7. CRS_March14_Banking_Standards_Review.pdf

    Age UK family also includes Age Scotland, Age Cymru and Age NI. We run just over 450 Age UK charity shops throughout the UK and also offer a range of commercial products tailored to older people. Age UK ... money independently or with appropriate support then they risk losing money through an inability to shop around, may not be able to remain at home and are at increased risk of financial abuse. Yet the past

  8. RB_March13_Age_Friendly_Neighbourhoods.pdf

    and clean public toilets Better-quality pavements Being able to have a say in local decisions Local shops and services within easy reach Safe, well-lit streets Volunteers and neighbours helping people out ... and regeneration of neighbourhoods. For instance, the government’s recent guide to support local shopping parades did not recognise that older people are probably a large proportion of the local market15

  9. WWU - English.pdf

    and long life food items in the cupboard or freezer in case it’s too cold to go shopping. You could also do your food shopping online and get it delivered to your door. • Keep a battery operated radio, torch ... by an expert. Local trading standards departments often offer free testing, or you can ask at the shop where you bought the blanket (they may charge). If you have any continence difficulties, talk to your

  10. RB_July15_Researching_Age-Friendly_Communities.pdf

    about how neighbourhoods should develop. The loss of resources such as banks, post offices and corner shops is a serious problem for many communities. Older residents may be particularly vulnerable to these ... as part of his role. For the last couple of years he has been working as a volunteer in a charity shop and in the community garden of Chorlton Good Neighbours, a neighbourhood care group. He is also one

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