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  1. FS42w.pdf

    to buy 43 12.4 VAT relief (exemption) on disability equipment 44 12.5 Reduced VAT rate of 5% for mobility aids for people aged 60 or over 45 12.6 Problems with equipment you ... 1 Equipment to assist with walking Walking sticks, walking frames or other equipment to assist mobility may be provided following an assessment by a physiotherapist who will be able to recommend the most

  2. CRS_Sept14_Personal_independence_payment_independent_review.pdf

    extra costs arising from disability. For example an Age UK adviser noted that a client with severe mobility and care needs who had been waiting for a decision for 7 months was missing out on a range of services ... Support Allowance. A self-employed man with multiple health problems which mean he has very limited mobility wants to continue working but requires a car to do so. He has applied for PIP but been told it will

  3. RB_Feb16_Are_We_Ready_For_The_Next_Crisis.pdf

    companies and park home site owners should develop better emergency support for park home (static mobile home) residents, including safe sources of temporary heat and power. 3. Consider how to reach older ... at communicating flood warnings to older people, including those who do not use the internet or mobile phones. They should also consider what types of messages are most effective and likely to prompt

  4. Transport policy statement - January 2022.pdf

    as the only practical form of independent transport, including older people that may experience mobility issues, or for carers, and for those living in rural areas where public transport is sparse. Continuing ... access, better waiting rooms, shelters, toilets, lighting and seating.5 For older people with limited mobility, getting to the bus stop and on and off the bus are significant issues which are compounded by a

  5. CRS_March16_Future_flood_ prevention_inquiry_response.pdf

    effective at communicating flood warnings to older people, including those who do not use the internet or mobile phones. As Chart 1 shows, people aged 75+ are less likely to use a range of communication channels ... insurance issues. 12. In the aftermath of a flood, people with various needs – hearing impairment, mobility problems, mental health problems – can struggle to navigate insurance claims. Insurers need to account

  6. CRS_Dec16_Post_Office_Network_Consultation.pdf

    general comments Local infrastructure is important to the health of all our communities. As we age, mobility frequently becomes more difficult and so the value of local services can increase. The value may ... than the population as a whole to experience difficulties with mobility and access to public services. 18% of adults aged 60-69 have a mobility difficulty, and 38% of adults aged 70+ do. This is compared

  7. One network, one timetable, one ticket - June 2022.pdf

    transport, which can mean that it is often not a realistic or safe option. For older people with limited mobility, getting to and from the bus stop, and on and off the bus can be an issue, especially if carrying ... often moved, and further away from the main hubs and links which is not appropriate for people with mobility issues. With reference to the objective regarding ‘passenger-friendly drivers, trained and supported

  8. CRS_Sept15_CMS_Committee_broadband.pdf

    need for referrals to acute centres for routine care. 4.4 The internet also enables people with mobility or health problems to purchase food and groceries online for home delivery. This is particularly ... branch closures, post offices and mobile banks) provide the only physical means of banking in some rural communities. These are a lifeline for people lacking the health, mobility or resources to travel to branches

  9. RB_March16_Behind_the_Headlines_Hospital_Discharge.pdf

    get fully better. In particular, older people may leave hospital less physically strong and less mobile, especially if they were already quite frail. Then the priority is to act fast and buoy them back ... being put in place. For example: Paul’s wife Mary, 85 years old, is in hospital. She has lost her mobility during her hospital stay. Yesterday the hospital told him Mary was ready for discharge today and

  10. RB_2015_Improving_later_life_for_people_with_sight_loss-Full_report.pdf

    would like to • Are more likely to experience chronic pain • Are more likely to have problems with mobility outside the home • Have greater need for services • Are more likely to live in poor quality housing ... explaining: “I have had nearly 60 years of learning to cope with sight loss.” John describes retaining mobility and communication as vital to his quality of life. He uses a long cane to get around, having started

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