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  1. CRS_Aug16_Falls_in_older_people_prevention.pdf

    Falls in older people: prevention Consultation on draft NICE quality standard (QS10011) Ref: 2816 Date: August 2016 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts ... Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address

  2. 20200703 Friends In Need Funding Allocation v4 - website.pdf

    Friends in Need Local Authority Grant Scheme August 2020 Contents 1. Programme Overview 2. Grant Purpose 3. Financial Information 4. Decision Making 5. Reporting 6. Time Line 7. How to respond to information ... ‘Ffrind mewn Angen’ ‘Friend in Need’ scheme will enable a person needing support to identify supporters who would help them during the Coronavirus Crisis. At least two ‘Friends’ in separate households would

  3. CRS_March12_Charging_fees_in_ET_and_EAT.pdf

    1 Ref: 0512 Charging fees in Employment Tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal 6 March 2012 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational ... Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address

  4. RB_Dec15_Later_life_in_a_digital_world.pdf

    Later life in a digital world Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We believe in a world where everyone can love later life and we work every ... and Age Scotland and around 165 local Age UK partners in England. About this report Age UK has long been committed to increasing digital inclusion in later life and many local Age UKs across the country

  5. RB_Sept14_Pension_receipt_in_the_UK-ethnic_minorities.pdf

    Pension receipt in the UK: are older individuals from ethnic minorities disadvantaged? Athina Vlachantoni, Zhixin Frank Feng, Maria Evandrou and Jane Falkingham Pension receipt in later life is determined ... determined by the way in which individuals’ pension contributions and circumstances over the life course interact with eligibility rules for each type of pension. Within the British context, such pensions

  6. RB_2014_Age_UK_Poverty_in_Later_Life.pdf

    Age UK Poverty Evidence Review 2014 Matthew Norton and Sally West Age UK Evidence Review: Poverty in Later Life Contents Key Statistics ........................................................... ... West Key Statistics 1.6 million pensioners are in relative poverty, defined as having incomes below 60 per cent median income after housing costs (AHC) in 2011/12.1  14 per cent of women pensioners, compared

  7. RB_Feb17_Wellbeing_factors_used_in_model.pdf

    factors found in USoc and how used in our model (or not) Wellbeing indicators from research lit Age UK Wellbeing Index Indicator More on how used or not, why Usoc variables used (Or how else used in the model) ... it includes (in our interpretation) not just the sports activities but also physical activities of a general nature. b_sportact cognition Thinking ability We used two indicators for memory and three for

  8. Advocacy Services in Gwynedd and Ynys Mon.pdf

    Option 1 Option 2 Advocacy Services in Ynys Mon and Gwynedd In addition to the services above, the MCA, MHA and SSWB Acts set out statutory rights to advocacy. If they apply, you may also choose from the ... sectioned under the mental health act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right to

  9. Valuing Voices in Wales - English - October 2020.pdf

    Valuing Voices in Wales: Protecting Rights Through the Pandemic and Beyond Page | 1 Valuing Voices in Wales: Protecting ... Protecting Rights Through the Pandemic and Beyond Valuing Voices in Wales: Protecting Rights Through the Pandemic and Beyond

  10. Age Cymru Arts in Care Homes Summary August 2023.pdf

    Executive Summary Arts in Care Homes Policy Paper: Embedding arts and cultural activities in every care home in Wales Summary focused on the wellbeing of older people - August 2023 Recommendations ... • • • • • • Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East

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