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  1. Advocacy Services in Newport.pdf

    they sectioned under the mental health act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right ... right to an IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) ASC Advocacy Support Cymru 029 2054 0444 Do they lack capacity and have no appropriate family / friends to consult? If not, are

  2. Advocacy Services in Torfaen.pdf

    they sectioned under the mental health act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right ... right to an IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) ASC Advocacy Support Cymru 029 2054 0444 Do they lack capacity and have no appropriate family / friends to consult? If not, are

  3. Advocacy Services in Caerphilly.pdf

    they sectioned under the mental health act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right ... right to an IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) ASC Advocacy Support Cymru 029 2054 0444 Do they lack capacity and have no appropriate family / friends to consult? If not, are

  4. Advocacy Services in Bridgend.pdf

    they sectioned under the mental health act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right ... right to an IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) ASC Advocacy Support Cymru 029 2054 0444 Do they lack capacity and have no appropriate family / friends to consult? If not, are

  5. Loneliness

    contact with friends and family and limited opportunities to participate in social occasions) health (poor health, limited mobility, social care needs or cognitive and sensory impairment) individual characteristics ... associated with depression, sleep problems, impaired cognitive health, heightened vascular resistance, hypertension, psychological stress and mental health problems. For more information call Age Cymru Advice

  6. Advocacy Services in Swansea.pdf

    they sectioned under the mental health act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right ... right to an IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) ASC Advocacy Support Cymru 02920 540444 Do they lack capacity and have no appropriate family / friends to consult? If not, are they

  7. Advocacy Services in Neath Port Talbot.pdf

    they sectioned under the mental health act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right ... right to an IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) ASC Advocacy Support Cymru 02920 540444 Do they lack capacity and have no appropriate family / friends to consult? If not, are they

  8. Advocacy Services in Carmarthenshire.pdf

    they sectioned under the mental health act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right ... right to an IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) AWW-EGC Advocacy West Wales – Eiriolaeth Gorllewin Cymru 01437 762935 Do they lack capacity and have no appropriate family

  9. Advocacy Services in Pembrokeshire.pdf

    they sectioned under the mental health act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right ... right to an IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) AWW-EGC Advocacy West Wales – Eiriolaeth Gorllewin Cymru 01437 762935 Do they have social care needs? If so, do they want

  10. CRS_Oct10_Engagement_and_volunteering_topic_briefing.pdf

    said they were involved in formal volunteering at least once per year.3 Volunteering benefits both health and quality of life. Older volunteers report that their volunteering: • gives them a role in life ... respected, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 • decreases mortality and improves self-rated health,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 • increases mental health and decreases depression,15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 • reduces stress and increases

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