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  1. Bereavement Support Payment

    lump sum payment of £2,500 followed by a further 18 monthly payments of £100. If you are responsible for a child under the age of 20, you could get a lump sum payment of £3

  2. The coronavirus vaccine (and booster doses)

    hold and we shouldn’t become unwell with the virus. It can’t be guaranteed that they are 100% effective in all situations, however , the vaccine should make it far less likely that you will be

  3. Summer Leaflet v4.pdf

    not a big drinker – use a smaller drinking glass but don’t forget to drink up and top up. Eat cool foods • Eat as normal. Even if you’re not particularly hungry. • Fruit and vegetables contain a lot of ... waste. • Store fresh fruit and veg correctly in the fridge and wash before eating. • Avoid leaving food out and uncovered - cover and store away from pesky flies. Heatwaves can happen suddenly – taking

  4. Buses - a lifeline for older people.pdf

    a year in fares reimbursed to bus operators and administrative costs, equivalent to approximately £100 per pass holder. Expenditure on the free bus travel scheme dwarfs expenditure on support for local ... Taking grandchildren swimming Going to meetings Walking Church Bank Education Post Office Lunch club Food shopping Library Council offices Walking group Swimming Shopping Fitness classes Visiting friends

  5. FS61w.pdf

    NHS dental treatment (in addition to your free check-ups which all over 60s are entitled to).  A voucher towards the cost of glasses or contact lenses.  Repayment of necessary travel costs to receive NHS ... you are unsure whether the particular referral will be eligible. Note: For more information about vouchers for glasses, travel costs and information on what you need to do to prove your entitlement to help

  6. Technology_Together_Pilot_Evaluation-Survey_Findings.pdf

    responded were satisfied with their experience, with 32 out of the 40 respondents (80%) very satisfied  100% of respondents (41) would recommend Technology Together classes and events to a friend  Data not

  7. RB_Sept16_Attendance_Allownace_ survey_report.pdf

    16.pdf?dtrk=true 5 Age UK’s response to the DCLG consultation - Self-sufficient local government: 100% Business Rates Retentions, Age UK, 2016. 3 About our survey To gather information, we produced a ... one or more specific items. Even when people were spending their allowance on everyday costs such as food and clothing there were often reasons linked to their health and disabilities that resulted in the

  8. RB_June14_Generation_R_Research.pdf

    today.  They thought of themselves as having had generally healthy lifestyles, having avoided junk food and been active (although some are finding it increasingly difficult to stay fit and healthy with ... joblessness or retirement. Figure 5 Employment status by cluster 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Cluster 1 men Cluster 3 men Cluster 5 men Cluster 6 men Cluster 7 men Proportion married to ... Cluster

  9. What is Spread the Warmth

    to prepare meals this makes snacking more likely. Try to keep a bit of a routine when it comes to food. Our appetites vary from day to day. Aim for three meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner with plenty ... feel cold? That’s because we get energy from food which, our bodies use to help keep us warm. Keep a good supply of your favourite tinned and dry foods, your unperishables – soups, veg, fruit,

  10. Coivd-19 Survey_v2 WELSH.pdf

    50-54  55-59  60-64  65-69  70-74  75-79  80-84  85-89  90-94  95-99  100 neu hŷn E5. Rwy’n:  Deurywiol  Dyn Hoyw  Lesbiad / Merch Hoyw  Heterorywiol  Byddai’n

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