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  1. RB_Jan10_older_people’s_experiences_of_renting_privately.pdf

    Care and adaptations The majority of participants, particularly the oldest of them, had health or mobility problems, and in some cases adaptations had been made to their properties. For the most part tenants ... constrained in their choices if they are seeking a property that is manageable for people with limited mobility. Management standards The interviews presented a variety of experience regarding relationships between

  2. BT’s Digital Switchover – Q & A

    Any questions or complaints can be raised by calling 150 from a landline or 0330 1234 150 from a mobile phone. You may also visit     What about other

  3. Various housing issues

    Factsheet 67w: Home improvements and repairs for older people in Wales Park homes, also known as mobile homes, are single-storey houses that can be moved from place to place. They are installed on park

  4. RB_Oct16_Autumn_Statement_2016.pdf

    We would also like to see spending on practical measures to make it easier for older people using scooters, wheelchairs and walking aids to get to bus stops and stations, including level pavements, dropped ... extend public transport to vulnerable groups, especially in remote or isolated areas. 50. Driver mobility centres for older and disabled drivers play a vital role in improving driver safety and facilitating

  5. What is Spread the Warmth

    keep warm, safe and well. Moving about generates heat, strengthens bones and muscles and keeps us mobile. This can be easier said than done. You might well have found that you're not feeling as fit as you ... suspect yourself, or somebody else, is experiencing any of these, call 999 immediately, or 112 from a mobile. Remember, for a Stroke, think FAST F - is the  face  drooping on one side? A - can the

  6. Changes to landline telephones

    In these instances, phone companies are advising that you should use a mobile phone as a backup. If you don’t have a mobile, live somewhere where there’s no or poor signal, or depend on your ... Any questions or complaints can be raised by calling 150 from a landline or 0330 1234 150 from a mobile phone. You may also visit What about other phone providers

  7. RB_Aug16_Age_UK_Briefing_Bank_Branch_Closures.pdf

    footfall is too low to support individually branded branches. There may be a role for shared brand mobile branches, providing these have reliable telecommunications, are designed appropriately for all customers ... disabilities) and all weathers and are open for a sufficient amount of time at each location.  Mobile branches – Mobile branches can provide a banking lifeline to customers living in rural areas. Customer Service

  8. IL5.pdf

    the toilet, if needed? n Care home checklist 5 Do toilets have handrails, raised toilet seats and mobility aids? n Is there a policy on when incontinence pads and catheters are used? n Does the home link ... own pets? n Are there facilities such as: a radio, reading room, TV room, newspapers, books or a mobile library, public phone, shared computers, internet reception and hairdressing services? n Care home

  9. RB_May13_bus_services_in_rural_areas.pdf

    female participants; approximately half were aged 75 or over and the majority had difficulty with mobility or a sensory disability. All interviews took place in rural parts of Durham or Northampton, which ... every half hour to go to Durham or whatever. Years ago, everybody travelled on it.’ Male, 65+, with mobility difficulties, Durham Northampton Participants in Northampton noted that their services had been

  10. IG23.pdf

    jobs around the home and garden can be a chore whatever your age, but especially if you aren’t as mobile as you used to be. More than 70 local Age UKs have handyperson schemes that offer older people extra ... minibus service for people who can’t use public transport. Drivers are trained to help people who have mobility problems. Next steps Visit or ask your local council for more information

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