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  1. A One-Stop-Shop guide for unpaid carers in Wales - June 2023.pdf

    Cymru oed gyfeillgar A One-Stop-Shop Guide for Older Carers in Wales A guide for identifying, signposting, and supporting older carers in Wales Creating an age friendly Wales 2 A One-Stop-Shop Guide ... NHS Service 20 Organisations to support you 22 • National organisations 22 • North Wales 25 • Mid Wales 28 • West Wales 31 • South Wales 33 Further sources 38 Further sources A One-Stop-Shop

  2. CAP Regional Coordinator South and South East Wales (A&C) 2023.pdf

    Project Coordinator (Community Assistance Project) Location: Home based with potential office space in a partner office, covering the South and South East Wales Region Contractual Status of Role: Full time ... Project Officer (1) Regional Volunteer Officer (1) Job Purpose: To develop and ensure delivery of a regional framework for the delivery of the Community Assistance Project across the region of south and

  3. CAP Regional Coordinator West and South West Wales (A&C) 2023.pdf

    Project Coordinator (Community Assistance Project) Location: Home based with potential office space in a partner office, covering the West and South West Wales Region Contractual Status of Role: Full time ... Project Officer (1) Regional Volunteer Officer (1) Job Purpose: To develop and ensure delivery of a regional framework for the delivery of the Community Assistance Project across the region of west and

  4. Age Cymru - I and A Info Catalogue - Welsh lang.pdf

    Gwybodaeth a chyngor defnyddiol dros ben yn rhad ac am ddim Mae Age Cymru yn rhan o rwydwaith Age UK, sydd hefyd yn cynnwys Age NI ac Age Scotland. Hefyd, mae gennym bartneriaid Age Cymru lleol ledled ... Cymru ac Age UK ac mae’n cynnwys gwybodaeth gyffredinol yn unig ynglŷn â’r ystod o ganllawiau gwybodaeth a thaflenni ffeithiau a fydd, rydym yn gobeithio, yn ddefnyddiol i chi. Ni ddylid dehongli unrhyw

  5. Being scam aware.pdf

    Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road ... Age Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales Being scam aware Unfortunately during this time there are a number of scams circulating. Please be scam aware and follow our tips below to help the person you’re

  6. Prosiect Hawliau Dynol

    gyda'r artistiaid Jon Ratigan ac Emma Prentice i animeiddio cyfweliadau gyda chwech o bobl hŷn ar hyd a lled Cymru, gan eu galluogi i edrych ar faterion sy'n bwysig iddyn nhw datblygu pecyn cymorth eiriolaeth ... i gefnogi trafodaethau gwybodus ynghylch hawliau dynol mewn sgyrsiau am iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol, a thai. Gallwch lawrlwytho'r pecyn cymorth hwn yn Gymraeg .  rhannu ein hymgyrch 'Hawliau Gydol Oes

  7. Unpaid carers.pdf

    Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road ... carers The person you’re supporting may be a unpaid carer for the other person/s they live with. It’s useful for you to be aware of this when you’re providing help. • A carer is anyone of any age, who provides

  8. Advocacy Newsletter March 2018 Cymraeg.pdf

    Annibynnol - Rhan 2 â â ŷ â ŷ â â â Hwyl fawr… ŷ â â â      Tudalen 2 Swyddogaeth Eiriolaeth mewn perthynas â Llesiant Tudalen 3 â î ... Ymgysylltu a Chomisiynu Cefnogi Comisiynu ar Arfer da Eiriolaeth: Rhestr Adnoddau         Tudalen 6 Tudalen 7 Risg Cadarnhaol a Gwneud Penderfyniadau

  9. Picking up.pdf

    Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road ... friendly Wales Picking up prescriptions • You can pick up a prescription on behalf of someone else. The prescription can be either electronic or a paper prescription. • Plan ahead where possible to find

  10. Universal Credit

    Universal Credit is a new benefit gradually being introduced nationally. It will eventually replace a number of existing benefits.

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