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  1. Built Environment in Communities policy statement - December 2019.pdf

    of the most significant issues facing particular groups, including older people, disabled people, carers, new parents, lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people, and people from some ethnic minorities

  2. RB_2015_Improving_later_life_for_people_with_sight_loss-Full_report.pdf

    support is both practical and emotional, is for all ages and is extended to parents, family members and carers. Sight loss advisers provide timely oneto-one support and quality information and advice, emotional

  3. Age Cymru Domiciliary Care Report 2015 (w).pdf

    miliwn o bobl ledled y DU yn darparu gofal i aelodau teulu neu ffrindiau . 6 , gydag amcangyfrifon o Carers UK yn awgrymu y bydd angen 3.5 miliwn pellach o ofalwyr erbyn 2037 ar sail amcanestyniadau demograffig

  4. WWU - English.pdf

    conditions that make them more likely to have complications if they get flu are also eligible. Unpaid carers and care home staff and people living in care homes can also be vaccinated free under the NHS influenza

  5. annual_review_2011_2012.pdf

    Awareness Week, which takes place each June, offers an opportunity for older people, their relatives and carers to find out more about falls and take part in local classes and services that can help prevent them

  6. FS9.pdf

    information and advice;  we deliver wellbeing programmes;  we provide independent advocacy;  we support carers;  we campaign and research. Age Cymru Mariners House Trident Court East Moors Road Cardiff ... confidential service. Age Cymru Advice can assist older people themselves, their family, friends, carers, or professionals. All of our guides and factsheets are available to download from our website, or

  7. RB_Sept13_The_Work_Programme_and_older_jobseekers.pdf

    are referred on to the Work Programme upon their release. 4. all other ex-JSA claimants aged 25+ Young people registered as being on JSA 18-24 are not included because of unexplained anomalies in the data

  8. RB_June15_The_Future_of_Transport_in_an_Ageing_Society.pdf

    older people in our population continues to increase, this transport must not be exclusive to the young or the able-bodied. Analysis from KPMG and Greener Journeys has shown that concessionary travel for ... transport in rural areas? Community car sharing schemes present an opportunity to help both old and young in rural communities… The potential exists in rural communities of a mutually beneficial trade – older

  9. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Older_homeless_people.pdf

    of the Social Exclusion Unit by Shelter, also found that the vast majority of homeless people were young and male. At that time around 90% were found to be male and one quarter (25%) were aged 18 – 25. Just ... is not a measure of life-expectancy and reflects the younger age profile and higher mortality at young ages of the homeless population. While a younger homeless person aged 35-44 may have a mortality rate

  10. Health improvement and prevention policy statement - Jan 2016.pdf

    misuse among younger adults, but this is unhelpful if it leads to the issue being viewed as solely a young person’s problem. Older people who may wish to seek help or advice need to know how to access a service

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