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  1. RB_July17_Age_UK_Human_rights_of_older_persons_and_their_comprehensive_care.pdf

    health-care professionals in geriatrics and establish geriatric centres throughout the territory where possible;  foster a person-centred approach in the provision of care, by organising it around the ... infringements of their human rights in later life. Sadly abuse, neglect and undignified treatment are all too frequent occurrences and human rights standards provide vital protection for older people by

  2. Valuing Voices in Wales - English - October 2020.pdf

    who face discrimination are at the sharp end of inequality and poverty. The Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has brought these inequalities into stark relief and those of us who are most negatively affected ... redress inequality so that people’s rights are upheld and that they are respected as individuals who are listened to and understood irrespective of who they are or any health condition or diagnosis they

  3. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_full_report.pdf

    one million older people in over 40 developing countries. The challenges spelt out in this report are principally for the UK Government and Parliament. For more information about the policy priorities ... independence, security: these things are tremendously important to us as we age and in their absence later life is bound to be tougher and less pleasant, and it also means people are less able to be self-reliant

  4. FS24w.pdf

    Government regulations and guidance on direct payments specifically 7 3 What are direct payments? 8 4 Background information on eligibility criteria and charging procedures for local ... of direct payments to NHS continuing healthcare 16 7 Support services for people who are eligible for direct payments (and have mental capacity) 17

  5. Age Cymru EnvisAGE No 11 Eng.pdf

    at a time when the number of older people in Wales is growing and we are, on average, expected to live longer. Many older people are currently marginalised by a number of factors including poverty, isolation ... people to enjoy the best possible quality of life. It includes facilities, services and amenities that are accessible and that accommodate the needs of older people to help them enjoy health and wellbeing and

  6. Webinar summary report - Final.pdf

    virtual series of five webinars arranged and organised by HOPE (Helping others participate and engage), held over a period of two weeks, between 19 October and 5 November. Break out rooms provided discussion ... technology, no access to the financial resources, or no support to develop the appropriate skills. Where virtual or telephone support was being provided group,discussions raised concerns over confidentiality

  7. Preserving what matters report v5.pdf

    status, life experiences, biological makeup, cultural background, and many other factors. When we are supported in doing the things that give us meaning, we feel in control of our lives and can gain a ... process more challenging, as the individual may be unable to comprehend why the things that are important to them are being restricted. They may also be unable to communicate their personal needs and wants

  8. FS58w.pdf

    duties in regard to information & advice and advocacy 7 4 Specific charging rules where it is decided that care will be on a temporary basis 8 4.1 Definitions ... for a variety of reasons. For example:  To give themselves or their carers a break.  Whilst they are recuperating from an illness, perhaps having been in hospital for a lengthy period (rehabilitation

  9. IG52.pdf

    be a carer to be eligible for Carer’s Allowance. Plenty of people find themselves in a situation where they’re caring for a loved one. “I claim a disability benefit so I can’t be eligible for a carer’s ... then you won’t be paid Carer’s Allowance – this is because State Pension and Carer’s Allowance are classed as ‘overlapping’ benefits, which can’t be paid at the same time. However, if your State Pension

  10. GCBH_Brain-Social-Connectedness.pdf

    We know that many people across the globe are interested in learning what they can do to maintain their brain health as they age. An abundance of sources are now available for people to find information ... difficult to know what the weight of current science says when new and sometimes conflicting studies are reported. The GCBH makes its recommendations to help people know what practical steps they can take

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