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  1. One network, one timetable, one ticket - June 2022.pdf

    services need to be available, with good connections and ease of connection between the different forms of transport. Key issues relating to public transport raised in Age Cymru’s Community Calculator survey1 ... People’s Alliance (COPA), Welsh Senate of Older People, Active Wales, National Pensioners Convention Wales, and Pensioners Forum Wales, which was carried out during March and April 2022 focusing on older

  2. IG32.pdf

    808 1677 Department for Work and Pensions Bereavement Service Checks surviving relatives’ eligibility for benefits. It also takes claims for bereavement benefits and Funeral Payments. Tel: ... One America Square, 17 Crosswall, London EC3N 2LB. Age UK and its subsidiary companies and charities form the Age UK Group. ID204969 11/23 What should I do now? You may want to read some of our relevant information

  3. Newsletter v6.pdf

    seek support that could help them manage their caring role. “We need to remember that older carers form a crucial part of our health and social care system in Wales, providing millions of pounds worth of ... uk/friend-in-need. Age Cymru signs statement on older people being pressurised into signing ‘Do Not Attempt CPR’ forms Age Cymru and a number of other older people’s organisations have signed a statement calling for an

  4. RB_2012_Falls_prevention_Dont_Mention_the_F_Word.pdf

    contact, higher use of medication and greater dependence on medical and social services and other forms of care. Despite the fact that there are many different interventions that can reduce the risk of ... woman, non-faller) ‘ I wouldn’t go for that [advice] because it didn’t apply to me in any shape or form. Is there a bit of pride? Well, I’m not there yet!’ (60-year-old woman) ‘ Slipping’s frightening.

  5. Spotlight on employment and older workers event held on Tuesday 31 January 2023

    retrain. Focusing on the human rights element of older workers Age Cymru chair Professor John Williams, stated that everyone has the right to work and to be treated fairly and with dignity, and not to be dismissed

  6. RB_June15_Frailty_language_and_perceptions.pdf

    people’s specialists the term ‘frailty’ is used to describe a spectrum of physical and mental health states and is used to assess risk or to put together a care plan for an individual. By contrast, non-specialist ... on care. These associations mean that the word ‘frail’ is understood to refer to an irreversible state rather than something that could be improved or exist on a spectrum. However, these audiences took

  7. Parliamentary Review into Health and Social Care in Wales - April 2017.pdf

    there has been a move towards better integration of health and social care in Wales and the newly formed regional partnership boards have a key role to play in facilitating the joint commissioning and procurement ... sector cannot match. It should also be noted that whilst increases to the National Living Wage and pension provision are vitally important, they will increase the financial constraints unless the uplifts

  8. 16 Volunteer policy_care home exemplar.pdf

    Home] Volunteer Application Form and anonymous Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form. All volunteers will be expected to provide accurate information on the Application Form, as the provision of false ... process (see Appendix 1 and 2), which will include: ● the written Application Form and Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form mentioned above ● a selection interview in person, teams/zoom or by telephone

  9. 20190829 Draft Development Plans Manual (Edition 3) - Age Cymru response.pdf

    within a safe and secure environment. We believe that development plans should look to ensure that all forms of retirement housing are built within age friendly communities, to ensure that residents have full ... public and community transport networks become increasingly significant as people get older. 48% of pensioner households do not have access to a car compared to 26% of all

  10. RB_May13_Computers_and_the_internet.pdf

    would spend online and the kinds of tasks they would use the internet for. Although this cannot be stated with confidence, it raises the question of whether the training has sufficiently tapped into people’s ... people’s personal interests which could influence wider internet use.  The Curious These individuals formed the bulk of interviewees, in some cases curiosity was already present before learning of particular

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