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  1. envisage15_English.pdf

    mean that continuing to work is a financial imperative. While many older people continue to enjoy fulfilling careers there are others who face discrimination and find they’re unable to continue in their job ... individual it’s often devastating in relation to personal finances, health and self-esteem. Age discrimination in employment is illegal and the default retirement age was abolished in 2011. However, perceptions

  2. Health interventions and preventative services - January 2024.pdf

    for people of all ages to live a healthy and independent lifestyle. This in turn has had an effect on the NHS, placing greater pressure on services that are already struggling to clear the backlog of cases ... health interventions are provided to older people across Wales. These services are vital to improving the physical and mental health of older people and to helping them to live more independently. In doing

  3. RB_Dec12_IA_for_Older_People_Evidence_Review_update.pdf

    People Evidence Review This evidence review is part of a series produced by Age UK, in order to provide evidence to underpin decision-making for people involved in commissioning, service development, fundraising ... Review 3 Key messages • Information and advice services can be most effective when they are designed to target the specific needs of identified groups, such as older people. • Although written information

  4. CRS_March15_Care_Act_guidance.pdf

    Consultation Response The Care Act: consultation on draft regulations and guidance to implement the cap on care costs and policy proposals for a new appeals system for care and support Ref: 0715 Date: ... associated measures to be introduced in April 2016. These include how Local Authorities will calculate and meter someone’s contribution towards their care costs, the ways people will be able to keep track of

  5. 20170203Loneliness - evidencetoHSCScommittee.pdf

    national charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services ... opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the Health

  6. RB_April16_age_friendly_banking.pdf

    country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We believe in a world where everyone can love later life and we work every day to achieve this. We help more than 5 million ... strengthens communities and fights for the issues that matter most to families such as healthcare, employment and income security, retirement planning, affordable utilities and protection from financial abuse

  7. Being scam aware.pdf

    scams circulating. Please be scam aware and follow our tips below to help the person you’re supporting to stay safe. Encourage them to: • Be sceptical if they receive an email, text or WhatsApp message ... full name, address, date of birth, bank details or pin numbers – scammers can use this information to steal their identity. • Not be pressured into donating money and never make donations by cash or gift

  8. RB_Oct17_Creating_a_career_MOT_at_50.pdf

    London WC1H 9NA. Age UK and its subsidiary companies and charities form the Age UK Group, dedicated to helping more people love later life. ID000000 03/17 Creating a ‘Career MOT at 50’ Helping people keep ... (SPA) is rising, scheduled to increase to 67 in 2026-28 and with further rises likely in the 2030s and beyond. This makes working longer essential, and there is a clear need to help people plan their future

  9. CAP Referal Form 2024.docx

    Age: Carer: Yes No Address (Permanent/Temporary): What type of accommodation (own home, sheltered housing etc): Postcode: Tel no: Mobile: E-mail: Cultural/ethnic origin (ask the person/family): ... (details are helpful)Does the person have a risk assessment in place? Yes oNooIf yes, we must have access to this.Please share at point of referral.Does the person have a preference on the gender of the volunteer

  10. Envisage 2017 E.pdf

    people? The role of the third sector and public policy in Wales – Dr Mark Llewellyn Page 30 It’s going to take a new kind of village: addressing loneliness in an ageing population – Nicola Palmarini, Sheila ... on older people, including a lack of stimulation that social contact brings, and an inability to contribute to society or fulfil their own potential. There is increasing evidence that this can have severe

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