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  1. FS22.pdf

    looks at how you can arrange for other people to make decisions about your finances and health and care if you think you may lose the mental capacity to do this in the future. This is usually family members ... benefits. There is information about how people must act in your ‘best interests’ for decisions about care or treatment if you lack mental capacity and related duties to appoint you an advocate if you have

  2. RB_April11_Evidence_Review_Healthy_Ageing.pdf

    purposes of future service development. • International examples of Japan’s ‘Hureai Kippu’, or ‘Health Care Currency’ time-banking scheme and the US’s retirement campuses provide stimulating ideas as to how ... the NHS, it is classified as a tier 3 priority, which means that it is one of a number that primary care trusts can choose to prioritise locally – or not (The Operating Framework for the NHS in England 2010/11)

  3. CSR_May13_UNDESA_Call_for_input.pdf

    limited to: • Right to life, for example, by recognizing the situation of older people in longterm care facilities or in prison where a lack of standards and denying someone or rationing health and other ... deliver the right type of care for older people whatever state their health is in, including palliative care when they are dying, and that is linked to community-based social care services and formal and

  4. CRS_May12_CLG_inquiry_response_cllr_community.pdf

    Better council services Older people expect better council services. Councillors will be aware that care and support services have faced unprecedented challenges as a result of budget pressures and continued ... demand. Age UK analysis shows that in 201112 there was a reduction in spending on older people‟s social care of £341 million, or 4.5 percent since 2010-11. Taking into account growth in demand over the same

  5. Discrimination, Human Rights and Welsh language rights public policy statement - September 2022.pdf

    goods and services has the potential to improve the lives of older people are in health and social care. The financial services sector, however, has been largely exempted from the ban. The Equality Act ... Under the Equality Act 2010, there is an outright ban on age discrimination in health and social care, although people can continue to be treated differently if there is objective 1 Welsh language rights

  6. Later Life Planning Booklet FINAL ENG.pdf

    Power of Attorney (LPA) No one has the right to automatically take control of your finances or your care (not even your spouse). They need your authority. A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a way of giving ... Page 6 Advance Decision (Living Will) While you have mental capacity, you can make choices about your care. This includes the types of medical treatment you want, or would refuse, if you were unable to make

  7. What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales 2024.docx

    ago?⬛ Better⬛ The same⬛ WorsePlease tell us more:B6.a. Have you accessed or tried to accesshealth care in the last 12 months?⬛ Yesforme⬛ Yesforsomeoneelse⬛ No,I’ve notneeded toB6.b. Ifyes,whathealthca ... health⬛ Ongoing health checks⬛ Surgery⬛ Physiotherapy⬛ Pharmacy ⬛Sightcheck ⬛Podiatry⬛ In patient care⬛ I tried to access healthcarebuthaven’t been able to getthe support I need (Please tellusmorein Question

  8. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2014_2015.pdf

    Executive 6 Our big moments 8 Our ambitions Your money 12 Your wellbeing 18 Your health and care 24 Your home 32 Your community 38 Our staff and volunteers 46 Strategic report Funding and finance 50 Finance ... priorities that people in later life have told us matter to them – money, wellbeing, health and care, home and community. We work day in, day out to achieve them with support from the whole of the Age UK

  9. IG45.pdf

    everything is as it should be. • Don’t keep large amounts of cash at home, even if you think you’ve hidden it away safely. Most home insurance policies only cover you for a small amount of cash. “I always ... someone asks you to act as a guarantor for their rent payments or for a loan or credit card, be careful – you’re agreeing to pay if they can’t. Make sure you fully understand what you’re signing and always

  10. Physical abuse

    Inappropriate use of physical restraint Person showing signs of fear or emotional distress The adult who needs care and support telling you they have been hit, slapped or physically mistreated.

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