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  1. CRS_Sept15_CMS_Committee_broadband.pdf

    access essential (and other) services in a way suits them. Otherwise there is a danger that people will be left behind in an increasingly digital world. 2.2 Some older people could go online with appropriate ... and training to build their digital skills and confidence. Without this support, many people simply will not use the internet. The Government should therefore have a coherent, long-term strategy on digital

  2. CRS_April16_Submission_FCA_paper_on_ageing_population_and_financial_services.pdf

    advice models, however we remain of the view that no advice is better than bad advice and that it will not be in the interests of older consumers if access to advice is increased but consumer protection ... retirement including into later older age. It is important that the Advice Unit consider how new models will meet the needs of consumers throughout their lives and not simply whilst saving and at retirement

  3. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 7(e1).pdf

    new requirements placed upon local authorities it is anticipated that demand for advocacy services will continue to grow and therefore the availability and sustainability of services is a priority for all ... the survey suggest that cases are becoming increasingly complex and timeconsuming and that this too will have an impact on the sustainability of services in the future. Acknowledgements Age Cymru are grateful

  4. CRS_June15_Cabinet_Office_Public_Service_Ombudsman.pdf

    complaints where appropriate.  A merged Public Service Ombudsman (PSO) scheme will not remove all jurisdictional complexities so it will need to offer some form of triage service to ensure that complaints brought ... bureaucratic processes set out statute, badly needs reform. We hope that the creation of a single Ombudsman will give the opportunity to rationalise but also strengthen the schemes’ powers and processes. It is also

  5. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter July 2018.pdf

    workshops. The document is being supported by a toolkit which is still in early stages of development but will support the sections of the framework. The Framework itself is focussed around the commissioning ... commissioners to assess themselves against. The next stages of the development will be completed during the summer and early autumn and there will be a range of engagement workshops to do this. The team have also

  6. CRS_Sept17_Retirement_Outcomes_Review.pdf

    investigation and the development of measures to improve consumer outcomes. We hope the final report will consider this in more detail.  In addition, we suggest three other issues are considered as additional ... deliver competitive mass-market decumulation products.  We are unconvinced by arguments that this will improve. As long as disengagement and a predisposition to take cash remain common, there is likely

  7. RB_July17_Triple_lock_briefing.pdf

    future pensioners, particularly those with low life time earnings and women, for whom the State Pension will continue to be very important. What is the triple lock? The triple lock is the uprating formula ... Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) which includes the statement that the parties have agreed that there ‘will be no change to the pensions triple lock.’ The Pensions Minister, Guy Opperman, has also said ‘We

  8. Age Cymru Social Care Workforce Consultation October 2021.pdf

    that all care workers receive a Real Living Wage within the term of this Senedd. This development will be a main driver for improvements in health and wellbeing for staff in home care, care homes and respite ... this aim will be partially informed by the remaining lifetime of contracting arrangements but it is important that this work is also led by where changes are needed the most and where they will have the

  9. Support groups and charities.pdf

    sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Trust National AIDS Trust Parkinson’s UK Terrence Higgins Trust

  10. IL5.pdf

    toilet, if needed? n Care home checklist 5 Do toilets have handrails, raised toilet seats and mobility aids? n Is there a policy on when incontinence pads and catheters are used? n Does the home link with

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