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  1. A One-Stop-Shop guide for unpaid carers in Wales - June 2023.pdf

    to provide timely and person-centred information and advice; to enable older carers to influence policy, service design and delivery and decision making by ensuring their voices are heard through our national ... uk)  01248 752 717  Merthyr Tydfil Social Services Complaint Policy (  01685 725000  Monmouthshire Complaints, Comments

  2. Carers Guide FINAL (Eng).pdf

    to provide timely and person-centred information and advice; to enable older carers to influence policy, service design and delivery and decision making by ensuring their voices are heard through our national ... uk)  01248 752 717  Merthyr Tydfil Social Services Complaint Policy (  01685 725000  Monmouthshire Complaints, Comments

  3. GCBH-Engage_your_brain.pdf

    Brain Health (GCBH) is an independent collaborative of scientists, health professionals, scholars and policy experts from around the world working in areas of brain health related to human cognition. The GCBH ... of the current evidence base underpinning the GCBH consensus in this area. Acknowledgments: AARP Policy, Research, and International Affairs; AARP Integrated Communications and Marketing; and Age UK. Suggested

  4. CRS_Oct2011_Localising_support_for_council_tax_in_England.pdf Age UK 1-6 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9NB T 020 8765 7200 F 020 8765 7211 E Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered

  5. CRS_Feb13_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_State_Pension_submission.pdf

    Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9NA T 0800 169 80 80 F 020 3033 1000 E Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered

  6. CRS_Aug15_Pension_freedom_guidance_advice.pdf

    uk Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9NA T 0800 169 80 80 F 020 3033 1000 E Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered

  7. annual_review_2014_2015.pdf

    the bus pass. The event received significant media coverage and helped highlight areas of public policy that are important to older people. 84 MPs have signed up to become Age Champions – helping us

  8. Summer 2022 Newsletter ENG.pdf

    evidence of the specific needs of older people; reflecting a diversity of views and experiences that policy makers and practitioners need to take into account when considering what should be done to ensure ... before. For some this is through choice while, for others, a combination of economic factors and policies such as the raising of the State Pension age means that continuing to work is a financial necessity

  9. RB_Jan16_Predicting_the_prevalence_of_loneliness_at_older_ages.pdf

    interplay of factors such as crime, population composition, housing conditions, amenities, and local policies. The dataset used in this paper, however, prevented such a complex, but valuable, undertaking. Research ... of loneliness across local areas should a useful tool towards designing and evaluating joined-up policies. This paper presents such a tool. 16 Predicting the prevalence of loneliness at older ages Iparraguirre

  10. Advocacy Counts 6 Full report Final ENGLISH.pdf

    contact Sue Vaarkamp: • or 01352 706228 • • • ... Integrating the rights of older people into the process the Welsh Government uses to assess the impact its policies have on groups of people; • Working with older people to deliver a new programme of work that will

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