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  1. Survey Outline Covid 19 v4.pdf

    __________________________________________________________________________________ C4. What would support you to engage with your local community as lockdown eases? (localised information, someone to chat to, facilities

  2. Survey Outline Covid 19 v4.docx

    transport, access to public toilets, resumption of clubs / groups)C4. What would support you to engage with your local community as lockdown eases? (localised information, someone to chat to, facilities

  3. Improving Assisted Travel - January 2018.pdf

    lack of accessible and updated service information. We suggest that transport providers should engage with local access groups in communities over the design of station infrastructure and the provision

  4. RB_April17_Behind_the_Headlines_ hours_worked.pdf

    has headed in the other direction – after controlling for other factors affecting labour market engagement, people in all age groups (other than 60-64 year old women) are on average working fewer hours

  5. Advocacy Services in Monmouthshire.pdf Do they have social care needs? If so, do they want support with care and support planning, assessment, review, or safeguarding ? If so they have a statutory right to an IPA. (Independent

  6. Advocacy Services in Blaenau Gwent.pdf Do they have social care needs? If so, do they want support with care and support planning, assessment, review, or safeguarding ? If so they have a statutory right to an IPA. (Independent

  7. CRS_Aug16_HASC_inquiry_hate_crime_submission.pdf

    The Government announcement on 30 June 2016 that the Home Office would be publishing a new action plan on hate crime.1 Hate crime is defined as any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or ... Age UK partners in England. 1 The action plan ‘Action Against Hate’ was published by the Home Office on 26 July 2016. 3 Please note this submission

  8. Covid Survey 2022 - English - 040322.pdf

    adults)  I was laid off or put on mandatory furlough  My employer or business closed  I was planning to retire around now anyway  Other reason Please explain: ___________________________________ ... changed as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak? (Select one option)  Yes – I now plan to retire earlier  Yes – I now plan to retire later  No  Not relevant B3. If you’re employed, were you required

  9. CRS_Feb16_CCG_improvement_and_assessment_framework.pdf

    do not oversee NHS services that would compromise the essential rights of individuals, whether in planning or delivery. 4. Proposed indicators We propose changes to the following indicators: 5d. People ... utilisation of CHC where this need is prevented through better proactive care or through better planning, particularly through a hospital stay, Furthermore, the National Framework is explicit in saying:

  10. CRS_Feb17_Cqc_NHS_Consultation_Use_Resources_Well-led_Assessments.pdf

    the two organisations plan to utilise in their regulatory and oversight activities. In particular, and this is the focus of Age UK’s response, this consultation sets out joint plans for ensuring that effective ... sustain this level of quality. Lack of adequate financial management and systems for future financial planning are amongst these risks, so we 4 have argued, in responding to CQC’s ‘Next Phase of Regulation’

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