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  1. RB_June12_delivering_dignity.pdf

    be treated with respect and supported to maintain their dignity – and their identity should not be lost when they enter the care system. Hospitals, care homes and their staff working with older people when

  2. Dementia Friendly Programme - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    more inclusive): ‘We are such a busy organisation - when you come up with an idea it tends to get lost in the medley of things. So with this programme we could concentrate our minds on what we want to

  3. RB_July15_Dementia Friendly Programme - Final Evaluation Report.pdf

    more inclusive): ‘We are such a busy organisation - when you come up with an idea it tends to get lost in the medley of things. So with this programme we could concentrate our minds on what we want to

  4. RB_jun17_making_intergenerational_connections.pdf

    the potential to positively shape approaches to other aspects of ageing such as care planning and pension planning. In this way promoting positive intergenerational contact has the potential to improve younger ... , Eilola, T., & Swift, H.S. (2009). Attitudes to age in Britain 2004-8. Department for Work and Pensions (Research Report 599). Retrieved April 21, 2011 from (

  5. FS10w - Welsh.pdf

    cyffredinol sy’n rheoli cymhwyster ar gyfer Credyd Pensiwn (PC) yn Nhaflen Ffeithiau 48 gan Age UK, sef Pension Credit. Isod ceir peth gwybodaeth am y budd-dâl. Mae dwy ran i’r Credyd Pensiwn (PC):  Credyd ... anwybyddwyd sydd wedi eu nodi yn y rheolau Credyd Pensiwn - gweler Taflen Ffeithiau 48 gan Age UK, sef Pension Credit i gael gwybodaeth am y mathau o incwm y gellir eu hanwybyddu). Credyd Cynilion Cynlluniwyd

  6. RB_Sep13_supporting_older_carers.pdf

    Christmas hamper scheme. Information and Advice Welfare benefits check; Disability benefits advice; Pension credit advice; Attendance Allowance applications; Welfare benefit appeals; Carers grant applications; ... applications, financial support was also provided in: managing general finances and household bills, pensions, and insurances. Coordinators both referred onto other agencies for welfare benefits assistance

  7. FS46w - Welsh.pdf

    oed Pensiwn y Wladwriaeth ar, neu cyn, 6 Ebrill 2016. Gweler Taflen Ffeithiau 48 gan Age UK, sef Pension Credit am wybodaeth bellach. 40 Er enghraifft, ceir swm ychwanegol

  8. RB_Oct12_Sheltered_And_Retirement_Housing.pdf

    external costs – for instance, gardening, window cleaning. They might go up at a different rate to pensions. So there needs to be a careful balancing act to get it right. I would like to see absolute transparency

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