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  1. About our dementia advocacy project

    involved who can help navigate health and social care, ensuring their loved ones care is personalised and their rights upheld.  Health and social care will also benefit, because Advocacy helps them ... queries please  contact us How can I access independent advocacy If you think you, or someone you care for, needs our advocacy support please download a referral form and return the completed form to

  2. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2011_2012.pdf

    Financial review 46 Welcome Money matters 6 Health & wellbeing 10 Home & care 16 Travel & lifestyle 20 Work & learning 24 Closer to home 28 Around the world 34 Message from the Chairman and Chief Executive ... as the most influential charity in Westminster. Our campaigning activities have focused on social care and pension reform and we have received significant media coverage about these and other matters affecting

  3. Spring Newsletter 2023 v5.pdf

    vouchers worth £125m have been either lost, delayed or unclaimed. The UK Government pledged to give every home with an electricity supply in Britain £400 through its Energy Bills Support Scheme with payments spread ... important to take full advantage of this support. “Many homes with traditional pre-payment meters tend to be amongst those who need to heat their home the most to stay warm and well, so it’s crucial that

  4. CRS_Oct16_Reporting_acting_on_child_abuse_and_neglect.pdf

    Consultation Response Reporting and acting on child abuse and neglect: Home Office and Department for Education October, 2016 Ref 3016 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce ... adult safeguarding concerns as part of this consultation. Recent figures from the Health & Social Care Information centre demonstrate that older people are at particular risk of abuse and neglect, both

  5. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter May 2023.pdf

    Advocacy West Wales Mental Health Act Reform for Advocates with Natasha Fox, Advocacy West Wales Home Fire Safety and Referring to The Fire Service with Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service Non-Instructed ... (CVB) will represent the voices and opinions of the people of Wales in respect of health and social care services. It’ll be independent of Government, the NHS and local authorities but work with them, and

  6. CRS_April14_NICE_Public_Health_guideline.pdf

    Other factors, such as caring responsibilities, may also be barriers. • Flexible working is particularly important for helping people to work longer and allowing them to manage caring responsibilities and ... such as employer attitudes to ageing and older workers, the social impact of working, the impact of caring responsibilities, and job quality, all of which can have an impact on health and wellbeing. 2

  7. FS12.pdf

    assumptions of your likely NI contributions. Check your forecast to see if it includes credits such as Home Responsibility Protection (replaced by NI credits for parents and carers from 2010) or credits you ... additional rate 39.35 per cent tax. 3.4 Renting a room You can let furnished accommodation in your home to a lodger and earn up to £7,500 a year without either paying tax or having to declare it. The accommodation

  8. Strategy for an Ageing Society - March 2021.pdf

    prevention services to prevent people’s needs escalating to where they would need higher level social care services (see also our response to Question 3). We welcome the prioritisation of unpaid carers within ... recognition that a sustainable funding arrangement for social care is needed. We believe that a new, fair and sustainable mechanism for funding social care is a priority that merits considerable thought and extensive

  9. Survey March 2024 v6.docx

    ago?⬛ Better⬛ The same⬛ WorsePlease tell us more:B6.a. Have you accessed or tried to accesshealth care in the last 12 months?⬛ Yesforme⬛ Yesforsomeoneelse⬛ No,I’ve notneeded toB6.b. Ifyes,whathealthca ... health⬛ Ongoing health checks⬛ Surgery⬛ Physiotherapy⬛ Pharmacy ⬛Sightcheck ⬛Podiatry⬛ In patient care⬛ I tried to access healthcarebuthaven’t been able to getthe support I need (Please tellusmorein Question

  10. Newsletter Nov 2020 v2.pdf

    their responsibilities, caring for longer and needing to provide more personal care due to reductions in support from care services. “No relief in any way for 24-hour care. I have cared for my husband without ... more peace and quiet. “Our local services and the community in general have shown kindness and great care during very difficult circumstances”- aged 75-79, Pembrokeshire. Moving forward the survey found that

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