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  1. Advocacy Counts 6 Full report Final ENGLISH.pdf

    advocacy service. Three respondents said they have a waiting list and six said they have a prioritising system. 15 respondents skipped this question. Some additional comments made by services include: “We are ... the demand for your services Answer Options Yes No Response Count Waiting list? 3 3 6 Prioritising system? 6 0 6 Answered question 6 Skipped question 15 Q12. Please let us know if there is anything else

  2. EnvisAGE_2019_cymraeg.pdf

    pobl hŷn â diffyg galluedd meddyliol sy’n profi camdriniaeth neu esgeulustod mewn perygl uwch yn y system cyfiawnder troseddol. Ni wneir digon o ddefnydd o Eiriolwyr Galluedd Meddyliol Annibynnol. Mae asesiadau ... ddim i bobl 60+ oed sy’n byw ym Mhowys, sy’n gallu helpu pobl i: • gael mynediad at gymorth trwy’r system gofal cymdeithasol • cael cyllid gofal iechyd parhaus • penderfynu p’un a ddylent symud i ofal preswyl

  3. FS92.pdf

    your first payment of UC. Explicit consent If you receive help from an advice service, UC operates a system of ‘explicit consent’ for advisers and other people acting on behalf of, or enquiring about, someone ... because you are selfemployed or earn too little or your employer does not have to use the online system, or if they have failed to submit the relevant information, you are responsible for providing earnings

  4. Friend In Need Resource Welsh.pdf

    problemau gyda’ch dueg - er enghraifft, anemia crymangell neu os ydych wedi cael tynnu’ch dueg - system imiwnedd gwannach o ganlyniad i gyflyrau megis HIV ac AIDS, neu foddion megis tabledi steroid neu ... ar gyfer cancr • Pobl sy’n cael triniaethau cancr wedi’u targedu eraill sy’n gallu effeithio ar y system imiwnedd, megis atalyddion cinasau protein neu atalyddion PARP • Pobl sydd wedi cael trawsblaniad

  5. EnvisAGE16_ENG_web.pdf

    Integrated Care Systems and it’s important that mental health provision for older people is fully recognised in their strategic work going forward. We will continue our work at national and system levels to

  6. Community Calculator - English.pdf

    timely access to a GP when needed. GP surgeries should look to simplify their appointments booking systems where possible • surgeries to be accessible and cater for everyone, including those with sensory

  7. IG05.pdf

    you something. They aren’t always scams, but they can be irritating. “I installed a call-blocking system which has almost stopped all nuisance calls.” Bob, 78 18 What to do. • Say no. Ignore a caller that

  8. Ymyriadau iechyd a gwasanaethau ataliol - Ionawr 2024.pdf

    newidiadau sydyn i'w meddyginiaeth. Wrth i boblogaeth Cymru heneiddio, presgripsiynau am ddim yw'r system orau o hyd ar gyfer sicrhau bod pobl hŷn yn gallu cael gafael ar feddyginiaeth briodol neu gymorth

  9. RB_2011_Living_on_a_low_income_full_report.pdf

    However, these circumstances tended to be due to a lack of communication or an error in the payment system, rather than people defaulting on payments. Here people had arrangements in place but details of ... money on other mobility aids. Examples included the purchase of a ‘riser’ chair, special telephone systems or handsets, and shower aids. These costs became more problematic where a person did not receive

  10. Human Rights Toolkits V8.pdf

    adversarial process. For example, you might really like your carer but have some concerns about the system they are working within. Raising a concern can be a powerful, positive tool for giving the people

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