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  1. RB_Summer13_Economic_Monitor_Report.pdf

    third say that the future looks good for them Annuity rates are at a historic low: A £100,000 annuity will currently buy an annual income of £4,836, a decrease of £433 since April 2012. As the dashboard on ... ABOUT BEING fOrCED TO lEAvE ThEIr hOME BECAUsE Of MortGAGe reNt PAyMeNts 1110 The two main recommendations in the Commission on Funding of Care and Support report (i.e. the ‘Dilnot’ report) were that

  2. CRS_March17_Ofgem_consultation_on_supplier_Standards_of_Conduct.pdf

    questions 10 and 11 from Chapter 3. We add some broader comments towards the end. Key points and recommendations 1. In response to Q10, we support the inclusion of a broad vulnerability principle in the domestic ... implies that suppliers have no role in creating or exacerbating customer vulnerability. Therefore, we recommend keeping this in the definition. 5. Circumstances that can lead to vulnerability include bereavement

  3. CRS_May12_CLG_inquiry_response_cllr_community.pdf

    Committee is conducting an inquiry into the role councillors play in their communities. The inquiry will cover a range of aspects of a councillor's role. Age UK has a particular interest in the aspect of ... focusing on the role of councillors as leaders of communities and neighbourhoods. Key points and recommendations Age UK believes that understanding and acting on the views and needs of older people is central

  4. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter March 2022.pdf

    directly within communities as we had planned to support older people with their issues. We will also be continuing to recruit, train and support independent volunteer advocates to deliver ... work and embraced new ways of working and alternative communication options. Some methods will continue post-pandemic with flexible approaches to best meet the needs of the client

  5. Advance care planning

    talk, that's OK too.   Advance decisions  ‘Advance decisions’ or ‘living wills’ are used to document what we want to happen if we’re not able to communicate our own ... hospital for treatment.      Wills   To make sure your wishes are acted on, making a will is vital. If you die without a valid will your money and possessions may not go to

  6. Action plan to end abuse and neglect of older people - October 2022.pdf

    commitments set out as goals and targets, specific timescales, clarity around who will be involved in delivery, and what “better” will look like. iv. Clear commitments set out as goals, with detail regarding ... contribute to ending the abuse and neglect of older people and the extent of the role they can play. This will assist with identifying where any existing and additional resourcing should be targeted to be most

  7. CRS_Dec13_Reshaping_workplace_pensions_future_generations.pdf

    UK and also offer a range of commercial products tailored to older people. Key points and recommendations  We welcome the Government’s commitment to encouraging innovation in pension saving – but this ... increase consumer confidence in saving for retirement. We are generally supportive of any moves that will improve pensions for future generations but are mindful of the significant changes that are already

  8. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Oct 2022.pdf

    place from 7th - 11th November 2022. This year's theme will show how advocates support people in relation to their human rights; each day will shine a light on an element of the Human Rights Act ... information and ideas. Below are the details of the next round of advocacy network meetings which will take place via Zoom or Teams: Cardiff and Vale 2/11/22 9am-10am

  9. FS60w.pdf

    needing a care home 11 4 A care home resident’s right to choose which home they will live in – guidance to local authorities in the Welsh Government’s Code of practice ... arbitrary cost ceilings 27 7.3 The particular nature of someone’s needs 28 7.4 What will happen if a resident has previously been self-funding? 29 7.5 Existing residents

  10. FS8w.pdf

    Wales – see section 2 below – the most up to date term is ‘community landlord housing’ (therefore, we will generally use the latter description in this factsheet). Our factsheet explains:  how waiting lists ... points of note in the new legislation. Where relevant, further information on some of these elements will be included in the text below, or can be found within our other housing factsheets. Changes in terminology

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