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  1. RB_June16_Age_Friendly_Places_guide.pdf

    collaborative solutions and ‘community networks’ which enable social contact, easy access to information, advice, advocacy, activities and opportunities for participation, health and wellbeing. • Have respectful ... reduce social isolation, offers opportunities for volunteering, acts as a gateway to information, advice, advocacy and services, promotes health and wellbeing and improves older people’s quality of life

  2. Safeguarding policy statement - June 2017.pdf

    Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.  Staff involved in the delivery of information and advice services should receive training relevant to the development and delivery of age-appropriate services ... Rights’.2 Advocacy is covered in more detail in Age Cymru’s public policy position on ‘Information, advice and advocacy’.3 Legislation and policy The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 20144 puts

  3. Age Cymru - Why are we waiting - Delays in care assessments in Wales - August 2022.pdf

    advocacy project, HOPE (Helping others to participate and engage) advocacy project and Age Cymru Advice all reported worrying delays in older people being assessed by social care for their needs, as well ... and support with comorbidities, and a substantial increase in the number of people that will need advice on how to manage long term conditions. High quality care relies heavily on a stable, healthy, wellsupported

  4. What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales - October 2023.pdf

    a struggle. Small issues can become a mountain as you get older. You work all your life pay your taxes and all of a sudden you don’t matter”. What matters to you? Current experiences of people aged 50 ... you? Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales 35 We heard from people who felt that advice on grants for home repairs and energy efficiency improvements would be of help. “I have experience

  5. FS62.pdf

    particular place, that would conflict with the deprivation of liberty. MIND can provide information and advice on the Mental Health Act 1983. Best interests assessment The best interests assessor establishes ... legal aid may be available. For further information see factsheet 43, Getting legal and financial advice. Age UK factsheet 62 March 2024 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Page 18 of 26 8 Legal background

  6. CRS_June14_Employment_support_for_unemployed_older_people.pdf

    Programme figures, because the New Deal figures are based on jobs verified by HMRC information on PAYE tax paid rather than just provider claims that are subject to audit, as in the Work Programme. When DWP ... recent welfare reforms including the bedroom tax were felt to be creating additional stresses for older jobseekers. As some providers noted, the bedroom tax (whereby those in social housing have to pay

  7. Strategy for an Ageing Society - March 2021.pdf

    social care is of vital importance for older people. Most of the people that approach Age Cymru for advice or advocacy do so for support to access health or social care. Health and social care services have ... carried out by Age Cymru aims to achieve that age friendly goal. Some examples include, information and advice. In an age friendly Wales it is essential that older people have the information and support they

  8. CRS_Nov14_LGA_role_ageing_population.pdf

    provides information and advice is a particularly important cross cutting issue. Increasingly local authorities are using the web to provide information and first point of contact advice and are required to ... benefit levels they can help alleviate poverty by making sure that older people can get accurate advice about the benefits they are eligible for, and run or fund campaigns to encourage older people to

  9. RB_Sept10_short_term_protection_long_term_vision.pdf

    higher health and care needs, so a particular focus here should reap savings. • Communication, advice and advocacy: increasing service user choice often saves money and improves outcomes. But it can ... can also increase complexity and confusion when not coupled with good quality information, advice and support. • Attitude change: as a society we are proving slow in shedding our negative attitudes to ageing

  10. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_summary.pdf

    build the capacity to support volunteering and integrated services. • Independent information and advice services are an invaluable way of reaching people who are high users of public services, and a cross-governmental ... Increase benefit take-up Extend new state pension to current pensioners Joined up information and advice before, at and during retirement leads to better outcomes Everyone gets a decent outcome from their

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