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  1. 20170324Draft-dementia -action-plan.pdf

    of dementia among some BME and gypsy, traveller communities is low which means that they access support at a later stage when the condition has become more severe. We believe that strategy should include ... activity on the symptoms of dementia, the importance of an early diagnosis and where to access help and support. Assessment and diagnosis The available research presents a clear case for developing nationwide

  2. Age Cymru response to Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Condiitons in Adults consultation response July 2021.pdf

    waiting lists were already growing. It is also vital to consider developing additional wrap around support for those currently waiting for treatment to overcome some of the negative effects of delays and ... assist with preventing more serious interventions. 2. What digital solutions are required to support clinicians undertaking their role? Though improvements are being made, the Welsh NHS would benefit

  3. Age Cymru response to 6th Senedd Health and Social Care priorities September 2021.pdf

    company’s employee was away from work ill, leaving a highly vulnerable older person without vital support. The announcement of this Senedd to commit to paying a real living wage to the wider social care ... different backgrounds have the opportunity to be consulted on matters that are important to them. Support and services for unpaid carers is of vital importance through the pandemic recovery period in recognition

  4. Towards a future vision for General Practice response - October 2018.pdf

    specialist attention”. GPs should be more aware of available services and be able to signpost people to support. 3. Accessibility – cuts to public transport and the location of some new health centres can make ... thereafter. It is vital that people who speak Welsh as their first language are accommodated and supported by health and social care services to communicate in Welsh. Communication is absolutely key to ensuring

  5. Paying for goods.pdf

    ©2020 Age Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales Paying for goods and services The person you’re supporting will need to consider how to access their cash or to pay for goods and services whilst they’re ... to pay for shopping/goods. To help reduce this anxiety you should; • Provide the person you’re supporting with a receipt for any purchases made for them, and leave it in the bottom of the shopping bag

  6. CRS_Dec15_Public_Financial_Guidance.pdf

    complement, not a substitute.  The Government should develop a strategy to build capacity for supporting public financial guidance and financial capability across a wide range of agencies, not just Pension ... departments remain involved scope for major rationalisation is limited.  Age UK was strongly supportive of the setting up of MAS on a statutory basis and remains convinced that a strong central body

  7. RB_Sept10_short_term_protection_long_term_vision.pdf

    1 Summary As local authorities look for ways to cut spending, while continuing to support growing numbers of older people to stay healthy and active, this briefing makes the case for: • Building the ... services they want and need to stay healthy and active. Older people are substantial providers of support themselves, as carers, grandparents, neighbours and volunteers and will continue to play their part

  8. Social Care Policy Statement November 2017.pdf

    locations. The term can be used to designate any service that is designed to help people who have support needs to live well1 and remain independent for as long as possible. An ageing population and increasing ... social care as “all interventions provided or funded by statutory and/or independent agencies, which support older people, younger adults and children in their daily lives and provide services which they are

  9. RB_July17_Age_UK_Human_rights_of_older_persons_and_their_comprehensive_care.pdf

    dignity;  prohibit, in law, age discrimination in the provision of goods and services;  provide support for continued employment and training for those who want it;  promote a positive attitude to ageing ... appropriate assistance and support for older persons living in their homes, including medical and nursing care, meals on wheels and domestic assistance;  ensure financial and practical support for informal caregivers

  10. CRS_Sept15_CMS_Committee_broadband.pdf

    later life and we work every day to achieve this. We help more than 5m people every year, providing support, companionship and advice for older people who need it most. 1.2 Age UK welcomes the progress made ... extending coverage, the Government must ensure older people are fully digitally included. 2. Supporting digital skills 2.1 Some older people are happy with ‘life offline’ and have no interest in going

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