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  1. Social Care Policy Statement November 2017.pdf

    provided in a number of different locations. The term can be used to designate any service that is designed to help people who have support needs to live well1 and remain independent for as long as possible. ... of people aged 65 and over is projected to increase by 292,000 (44 per cent) between 2014 and 2039, whilst the number of people aged between 16 – 64 is projected to decrease by 5%.2 The need for social care

  2. IG13.pdf

    AgeUKIG13 Practical and emotional help when you’re looking after someone Advice for carers 2 We’d love to hear from you. 1) Join our Readers’ Panel. Have your say and be involved in updating our guides by ... Age UK’s information and advice helped? If so, we’d love to hear from you to provide relatable examples that benefit others. Email your story to This information guide has been prepared

  3. Age Cymru - Why are we waiting - Delays in care assessments in Wales - August 2022.pdf

    assessments from referrals 12 Table 3: Time from assessment to care being in place 2019/20 and 20/21 13 Acknowledgements Age Cymru want to thank all the local authorities across Wales, the social care ... care leads, Care and Repair Cymru, and the older people and older carers across Wales who we spoke to – all of whom helped shape this work. 2 Why are we waiting? Delays in care assessments in Wales - August

  4. IG30.pdf

    AgeUKIG30 Improving energy efficiency around your home Save energy, pay less 2 We’d love to hear from you. 1) Join our Readers’ Panel. Have your say and be involved in updating our guides by joining our ... Age UK’s information and advice helped? If so, we’d love to hear from you to provide relatable examples that benefit others. Email your story to This information guide has been prepared

  5. IG23.pdf

    AgeUKIG23 What to do if you need care and support at home. Getting help at home. 2 We’d love to hear from you. 1) Join our Readers’ Panel. Have your say and be involved in updating our guides by joining ... Age UK’s information and advice helped? If so, we’d love to hear from you to provide relatable examples that benefit others. Email your story to This information guide has been prepared

  6. RB_May13_Computers_and_the_internet.pdf

    Comments: To & ‘Pressing the Right Buttons’, May 2013 Page 3 Acknowledgements Qa Research would like to express appreciation to the many ... many people that supported us to facilitate this piece of research, namely:  Marcus Green and Ben Carpenter at Age UK  Dr Alice Mathers, Online Centres Foundation  Gabrielle Woodhams, UK Online Centres

  7. Intergenerational falls prevention

    education resource pack is designed to help children think about falling over, the impact that this could have on people, how they can support friends, relatives and loved ones to reduce their risk of falling

  8. RB_March14_Living_with_frailty.pdf

    .. 24 Loneliness and Isolation ....................................................... 31 Adapting to Life Changes ...................................................... 37 Policy Implications written ... public and private services that are not geared to their needs. They are often the faces behind the headlines on poor-quality care; on avoidable admissions to hospital; and on the shameful statistics on isolation

  9. Information, Advice and Advocacy policy statement - May 2021.docx

    impartial information and advice help us to make informed decisions, plan ahead, access services and entitlements and contribute to society. Advocacy services are essential to ensure that every older person has ... statutory duties upon local authorities with regard to the provision of information, advice and assistance (Part 2) and advocacy (Part 10) with regard to social services. Information and advice is provided

  10. Falls prevention

    people are taken to the emergency department in a hospital. Most falls don’t cause serious injury but they can leave you distressed. The good news is that there are lots of things you can do to stay steady

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