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  1. RB_April15_Only_the_tip_of_the_iceberg.pdf

    money than younger people. Age UK is particularly concerned that recent changes to private pensions allowing people aged 55+ to take all their pension savings in cash will encourage the scammers to target ... another form. This entails a transfer of a scheme member’s pension savings to an arrangement that will allow them to access their funds before the age of 55. This can be illegal where members are misled about

  2. Information, Advice and Advocacy policy statement - May 2021.docx

    follow-up enquiry should be made to determine whether the desired outcome was achieved, rather than allowing people to ‘fall through the net’.Advocacy Having voice and control over decisions that affect us

  3. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020.pdf

    advice on furlough, benefits and other COVID-19 related queries. We have even created templates to allow our trained benefit advisers to continue to complete disability benefit forms over the phone. We

  4. annual_review_2011_2012.pdf

    agreement recognised the overwhelming impact these diseases have on people over the age of 60 and allowed appropriate responses for people of all ages. 37 Money matters Health & wellbeing Home & care Travel

  5. Commissioning IPA Framework English Oct 19.pdf

    local authorities to use the framework (how to do it). The nature of any framework is that it should allow discretion to meet local circumstances and whilst legislative requirements must be met in all circumstances

  6. Commissioning IPA Toolkit English Oct 19.pdf

    range of processes through which they will need to support people. You should ensure that contracts allow for sufficient time and adequate arrangements for staff training and support, along with continuing ... assessments in the yellow or green ranges. Within each of these ranges there is also a scale which allows you assess where in that range you think you are (see table 1). For each good practice statement

  7. FS59w.pdf

    able to complain on their behalf. The Social Services Complaints Procedure (Wales) Regulations 2014 allow a representative to make a complaint on a person’s behalf where the service user:  has confirmed ... needed a special (‘profile’) bed. She was unable to leave her bed and this new arrangement would allow carers to give her bed baths. She requested a double bed so that she could continue to sleep next

  8. Gwanwyn_bro_English.pdf

    activities no matter how big or small a part they played. From an assessment perspective these processes allowed us to gauge the patients’ concentration levels, dexterity levels and ability to follow instruction

  9. are_you_listening_interactive.pdf

    obtain them. • Consider short questionnaires as they are most likely to get a sizeable response. • Allow space for people to write their comments and plan how these will be included in the analysis of responses

  10. Information, Advice and Advocacy policy statement - May 2021.pdf

    follow-up enquiry should be made to determine whether the desired outcome was achieved, rather than allowing people to ‘fall through the net’. Advocacy Having voice and control over decisions that affect

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