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  1. CSR_Sept12_Human_Rights_Policy.pdf

    International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966, (UK: 1976)  International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966, (UK: 1976)  Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination ... although the UK has accepted international treaty obligations including that to protect economic and social rights, the UK's legal system means that treaties do not in general take any legal force in domestic

  2. RB_March14_Age_and_productivity_briefing.pdf

    prospects. 4.2 Different jobs mean different things Warr (1994)34 developed a model of four different activity types in relation to their effect on ageing (Chart 1). In three of the four ageing is either neutral ... a means of categorising workplace activities, and not a comment on ageing and productivity. It’s also worth noting that few jobs rely entirely on one type of activity – most switch between different processes

  3. Age Cymru’s vision for the 2021 Senedd elections.pdf

    vision is a Wales where everyone enjoys good health, lives safely, is free from discrimination and is actively engaged within their community; our concern above all is for those who are furthest from experiencing ... health and social care The disconnect between health and social care systems remains a key concern for older people. Whilst funding is predominantly centred upon the health service, quality social care is

  4. Equalities Monitoring Form - English.docx

    and long term and has an adverse effect on the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. What is your ethnic group? Choose ONE section, then circle the appropriate box to indicate your

  5. Equalities and diversity monitoring form.docx

    and long term and has an adverse effect on the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. What is your ethnic group? Choose ONE section, then circle the appropriate box to indicate your

  6. National Falls Prevention Taskforce Wales

    long-standing myth that falls are an inevitable part of getting older. We strive for older people to live active and independent lives free from falling over. If you’d like to join the Taskforce please contact

  7. Volunteer

    Friend in Need - telephone befriending service Fundraising Independent Volunteer Advocate Physical Activity Research. We ask you to complete a volunteering interest form and speak to a staff member about

  8. Income and Finances policy statement - January 2018.pdf

    In 2012, prior to the introduction of automatic enrolment, only 35% of men and 32% of women were actively contributing to a private pension.9 We believe there should now be a review of the success of ... mechanisms which help many older people to live independently and reduce the pressure on the NHS and social care services. The UK Government has been undertaking wide scale reform of the welfare system, including

  9. Survey information sheet.pdf

    older carers and carers of people living with dementia, funded by the Welsh Government Sustainable Social Services Third Sector Grant. For further information on our project, please contact the Carers Project

  10. Coivd-19 Survey_v2 ENGLISH.docx

    orabuseAccess to cash Other, pleasestate:B5. What has been your experience of accessing health or social care during the currentlockdown?B6. What impacthaveyourexperiencesduringlockdownhadonyou?Very positivePostive

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