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  1. CRS_March17_Age UK_Bus_Services_Bill.pdf

    ‘age-friendly’ so that older people can remain active for as long as possible, with national and local governments taking into account the needs and views of older people in all transport planning. 4. Older people ... requirements will be fulfilled. 6.6 Disability awareness training for bus drivers should also be a key Government priority for implementation as soon as possible. 6.7 Age UK would also like to see wider improvements

  2. 20211108 HOPE Marketing Brief - final.pdf

    engage) project, to support older people (50+) and their carers. The project is funded by Welsh Government through the Sustainable Social Services Grant. HOPE supports people living in the community who ... situation. Age Cymru works to ensure the safety of all its staff and volunteers and is following Welsh Government and Public Health Wales Guidance. We have been seeking innovative ways to deliver our advocacy

  3. envisage15_English.pdf

    Tackling prejudice and discrimination is an essential part of making work better. We welcome Welsh Government’s Strategy for an Ageing Society1 which highlights: ‘If Wales is to have a workforce that is fit ... were leaving well before the official retirement or State Pension age. In response to this many governments enacted reforms to increase the labour market participation rates of older workers up to and beyond

  4. envisage15_English.pdf

    Tackling prejudice and discrimination is an essential part of making work better. We welcome Welsh Government’s Strategy for an Ageing Society1 which highlights: ‘If Wales is to have a workforce that is fit ... were leaving well before the official retirement or State Pension age. In response to this many governments enacted reforms to increase the labour market participation rates of older workers up to and beyond

  5. RB_June11_job_blocking_briefing.pdf

    by the French Government from the late 1990s. Walker claims that restricting the working week does not result in less output, and instead allows firms (when incentivised by their government) to hire more ... for this age group persist in spite of continued Government policies over many years, and the issue rightly remains a political priority. The Government has continued to invest in initiatives to help younger

  6. CRS_May14_Smith_Institute_Making_Work_Better.pdf

    management standards. • Older workers need improved access to high quality training programmes, and the Government urgently needs to look at how funding can be changed to deliver improved outcomes. • How people ... still firmly held, and challenging these is of great importance for individuals, employers and the Government. Meanwhile, ensuring that older workers are not forced out of the labour market, and providing

  7. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_LGBT.pdf

    programmes are likely to contribute to an increased risk of preventable ill health.7 There is also a body of evidence indicating a high rate of suicide attempts in the LGB population.7 Internationally there ... Older LGBT Adults, Current Psychiatric Report (June) Yiu Tung Suen (2016) Older Single Gay Men’s Body Talk: Resisting and Rigidifying the Ageing Discourse in the Gay Community, DOI:10.1080/00918369.2016

  8. Advocacy Counts 6 Full report Final ENGLISH.pdf

    requirements or are in the process of doing so. Draft regulations have been developed by Welsh Government that relate initially to commissioned children’s advocacy services, but will almost certainly be ... highlights areas of concern and makes recommendations to address the barriers. In response, the Welsh Government announced a programme of work that includes key elements relating to advocacy. The Code of Practice

  9. Summer 2022 Newsletter ENG.pdf

    cost of living. And we respond to the Chancellor’s recent announcements regarding the measures the Government are taking in response. We provide details on our Community Coffee Mornings that are taking place ... that older people can live well in the coming year, and beyond. This research was funded by Welsh Government.We’re grateful to everybody who responded to this survey and thank them for sharing their views

  10. FS74.pdf

    SSCS1. For HMRC appeals, use form SSCS5. They are available from HMCTS or online at SSS appeal forms are available online at www ... reasons for your delay. More information about this second stage review can be found at Age UK factsheet June 2024 Challenging welfare benefit

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