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  1. RB_Oct16_Autumn_Statement_2016.pdf

    infrastructure spending to relieve the pressure on health and care services, for example by looking afresh at new models of housing, integrated transport services and better use of the existing NHS estate.  ... Government’s commitment to invest in housing, but this should include increased investment in new homes to rent and buy that are suitable for older people. This would benefit all generations and receive

  2. RB_14_Care_in_Crisis_report.pdf

    services from 2015. However, as this briefing shows, this funding allocation cannot fix the crisis facing social care. The improved working that this transfer will support can only mitigate, not solve, the ... critical needs risks leaving no public funding available for most of those who need ‘a little bit of help’ to remain active and independent. Key points Increasing demand  The number of people aged 85 and

  3. RB_March14_Digitalbydefault_Government_services_online.pdf

    to provide information and access to services in a way that is quick and convenient for individuals at times that suit them. Services will become ‘digital by default’. The Government Digital Strategy (GDS)1 ... be encouraged to gain on line skills. For example they could be referred to an organisation that helps people learn to use the internet, or the organisation that provides the assisted digital support may

  4. Support groups and charities.pdf

    being a ‘Friend’ you could help the person you’re supporting connect with support groups that are relevant to them. This could help them get support for a health condition or help them connect with people ... specialist services including training, the provision of temporary accommodation for those affected or are at risk of domestic abuse and all forms of violence such as Female Genital Mutilation, Forced Marriage

  5. CRS_Dec15_Public_Financial_Guidance.pdf

    joined-up information, guidance and advice journey is necessary to help people prepare for later life. We recommend that the Government looks at how it can use behavioural economics to build appropriate ‘triggers’ ... which looks at outcomes, not just outputs, and equality and diversity issues. This is not yet in place for Pension Wise. 3 Introduction As the country's largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make

  6. IL8.pdf

    knowledge at all. Join our Readers’ Panel at 2) Tell us your story. Have you been affected by any of the issues in this guide? Has Age UK’s information and advice helped? If so ... Information written with you in mind. This information guide has been produced with the help of older people, carers and expert peer reviewers. Published: August 2023 3 Contents. What this guide

  7. Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales E WEB.pdf

    Goal 4: Quality social care 14 Goal 5: Quality health care 16 Goal 6: Financial inclusion 19 Goal 7: Homes and communities 21 Goal 8: Transport 24 References 27 Creating an age friendly Wales Age friendly ... identify need to be sustainable, rooted in Welsh culture and supported by government at all levels. This is vital at a time when the number of older people in Wales is growing and we are, on average, expected

  8. Fuel Poverty policy statement - October 2017.pdf

    that affected older people more seriously than other age groups, however at the root of many deaths are cold, badly insulated homes. Evidence on fuel poverty in Wales remains patchy. The most recent official ... people to switch suppliers, however in 2015 Wales had the lowest rate of consumers switching supplier at only 17%4. The affordability of energy remains an area requiring particular attention given the direct

  9. Tell Me More report (English).pdf

    Me More Report on the care home resident engagement project The aim of the Tell Me More project funded by Welsh Government in line with the Care Home Action Plan Care homes action plan: final update [HTML] ... in care homes during the Covid Pandemic. The outcome will be a written report and short animated film featuring the voices of care home residents. Initially, we worked closely with two care homes, one in

  10. forum resource manual v4.pdf

    older people are facing some of the hardest challenges imaginable. Some live in poverty or can’t get the basic care they need to live with dignity. Sadly, older people often have to face these issues with ... with no-one to help or support them – loneliness is a daily struggle when you only have the TV or radio for company. That’s why Age Cymru is here. Our vision is a society which offers all people in Wales

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