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  1. FS2.pdf

    suitable option is in factsheet 64, Specialist housing for older people. Information on the process of buying a home, including how to find an estate agent or solicitor and help with moving, is in information ... information guide 8, Housing options. The information in this factsheet is applicable in England and Wales. If you are in Scotland or Northern Ireland, please contact Age Scotland or Age NI for further information

  2. CRS_May14_Smith_Institute_Making_Work_Better.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address ... points and recommendations • To improve job quality, more must be done to tackle age discrimination in the workplace. This can be done through educating employers and managers to avoid discriminating and

  3. CRS_May16_Multimorbidity_clinical_assessment_and_management.pdf

    not filled in correctly. We would like to hear your views on these questions: 1. Do any recommendations represent a substantial increase in costs, and do you consider that the reasons given in the guideline ... document Line number Or ‘general’ for comments on the whole document Comments Insert each comment in a new row. Do not paste other tables into this table, because your comments could get lost – type directly

  4. One network, one timetable, one ticket - June 2022.pdf

    timetable, one ticket: planning buses as a public service for Wales June 2022 Q1: Do you agree that change is required in how we deliver bus services to meet the needs of Wales’ citizens and respond to ... disagree Comments: In order to encourage people to use public transport in efforts to respond to the climate emergency, reliable, accessible and sustainable public transport services need to be available

  5. Age Cymru HOPE Project Benefits of Volunteering with HOPE A4 boolet + QPM ENGLISH.pdf

    older people (50+) and their carers. HOPE volunteers also help guide the project to make sure the service we provide is right for the people we support. You’ll all have different reasons and motivations ... older people and carers to fully explore their rights and options such as • exploring what local services are available if they need them • looking at how to overcome the challenges they are experiencing

  6. Age Cymru EnvisAGE No 11 Eng.pdf

    friendly environments - Professor Judith Phillips OBE Page 14 Vision for an age friendly transport system in Wales - Dr Charles Musselwhite Page 24 Housing options for older people - Catherine Boswell and Janet ... country, in which all older people have the same respect, rights, opportunities and access to services as the rest of the population. This is vital at a time when the number of older people in Wales is

  7. FS59w.pdf Factsheet 59w  July 2023 How to resolve problems and make a complaint about social care in Wales Factsheet 59w  July 2023 2 of 55 ... authority social services complaints procedure? 7 2 Background – care needs assessments by the local authority social services department and subsequent service provision 8 3 What

  8. Transport policy statement - January 2018.pdf

    transport are vitally important in helping older people to maintain independence and well-being. Such transport networks can ensure communities are wellconnected and that services, facilities and amenities are ... that isolation and loneliness will impact upon people’s wellbeing. It is essential that older people in all areas have the means to get out to buy food, get medical attention, get money and pay bills, and

  9. CRS_April14_Payment_Systems_Regulation.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address ... About this consultation The Financial Services (Banking Reform) Act 2013 requires the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to establish a new regulator for payment systems in the UK. This new regulator, currently

  10. Random acts of kindness

    for coffee and a chat A phone call to see if I’m alright Fetching something of the top shelf for me in the supermarket Ask if medication needs sorting Just say ‘Hello’ Send me a birthday card Tell someone ... Offer to take me shopping Take me to have my nails done Make conversation I phone my 93 year old Mother-in-law every day to check she's okay and when we visit I take some groceries and flowers Hold open a door

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